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#800825 FM24 Challenge #6 - Rossoneri Revival
We scraped over the line in both finals, 1-0 over Villa in the Europa League final, and 7-6 on penalties against Inter in the Coppa Italia final. Dani Ceballos was an amazing signing in January, signed for 12.5 million, played 22 games in all comps and scored 14 goals as well as assisting 9 more!!!
#799514 FM24 Challenge #4 - Ronaldo: Record Breaker
This was so painful, 32 goals in 14 games for the GOAT and with the 2 legged final to come it looked like he would definitely get the 3 goals needed…… then 2 days before the first leg, stress fracture in the back and would miss 7 weeks….. we won both legs in the final, 3-1 and 6-2, included 2 penalties that he would have taken and yeah…. very annoying.
#798091 FM24 Challenge #2 - Mission Impossible: Heracles
Brought in a couple high profile signings….. they were terrible in general….. Andre Ayew 12 games, 1 goal, 0 assists, 6.53 average rating, Mario Balotelli(mainly for laughs) 7 games, 3 goals, 1 assist, 6.79 average rating.
#797987 FM24 Challenge #1 - Ipswich Push for Europe
Had a great run, we ditched the FA Cup playing reserves and losing 3-0 to Villa, but our only other loss was a random, frustrating one to Fulham which cost us making the top 4.