steggers - Comments

#733981 Global Super League V2.23 "23.4 database"
12 years ago
2 weeks ago
By DavidCarter 31 March 2023 - 10:42 AM UTC 

I'll look into it the database and look for a solution “probably 1 tick box I've missed”


Its a box on the main competion screen 

#733202 Global Super League V2.23 "23.4 database"
12 years ago
2 weeks ago
By DavidCarter 25 March 2023 - 17:06 PM UTC 

Hey Steggers, thanks for the feedback and comment. I'm glad your having a great time with it.


I'm putting a lot of free time into the editor “and holiday mode" ATM. Without making promises, I hope to get a update out in the next week or two.


To everyone, I'm sorry it ain't perfect, there is things I'm still not happy with. I'm learning as I go and still tweaking with schedules etc etc.


Happy to help test the file if you need any help , Shoot me a PM 

#733190 Global Super League V2.23 "23.4 database"
12 years ago
2 weeks ago
By DavidCarter 24 March 2023 - 21:08 PM UTC 

I may, just may have sneaked in a mini UCL/Europa League style comp into the database.

Premier League and Championship together “64 teams”
League 1 “80 Teams”
League 2 “80 Teams”

League 3 “80 Teams”
League 4 “80 Teams”

Group stage: 16 groups play each other once, top team goes through to last 16 then 2 legged ties till the final and nice juicy prize money to play for.

The only small niggle i have is that Prem/Champ teams start in January, the others start in October BUT the fact that one is in place without fixtures overlapping or any Saturday/Monday/Wednesday gameweeks, I'm delighted about.

I'll test it out first but hopefully, A update will come out soon.

Also added awards for the Global Premier League


Im excited to see this, Loving this Format so far and cant wait for the update ! 
I played a simialr save to this before the prize money was really overtuned ( think champions league prize per game) but i love this premise 
When can we expect to see an update ?