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#45083 Rapidshare Mirrors Not Working
It seems to be anything but at present I'm trying to download kits for 2011/12. I've even gone back to kits I've already downloaded a few days earlier to try those to make sure it's not just certain files & they are the same so I don't think it's only an issue with the file (unless they have time expired or something).
An eg of a file though is kits/leagues/2011/12/Australia Hyundai league.
Thanks in advance for any help u may be able to give
#44666 Rapidshare Mirrors Not Working
I've been using rapid share to download kits etc for a few day lately (just bought FN2012) but 2 days ago it stopped working.
When I click on the link it keeps coming up with the following no matter what it is I'm trying to download.
error - download permission denied by uploader
Can anyone help with a way around this? or is it an issue with rapid share that is being worked on?