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#172838 Play in the World Cup in FM2014
Social Straddle
Nevertheless giving it a go...
#161182 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
Social Straddle
1. Regarding the competition logo you just have to do the following (however, remember that the place you put the competition logo is the same where appear the player/picture in the player titlebar):
Go to titlebar.xml and search for
<widget class="picture" id="ppic" image_alignment="top, left" height="80" width="80" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" priority="1">
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="20"/>
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="85"/>
<boolean id="scale_picture" value="true" />
<boolean id="keep_aspect_ratio" value="true" />
<flags id="image_alignment" value="left"/>
Change the value "85" for a small value.
2. Concerning the panels of match inbetween highlight, sometimes the same happens in my game but, in general, if I adjust the size and after I save the game, the panels maintain the size. I included in all panels the instructions save_current_state="true" but I don't know why the size tend to change itself....
3. The "empty" box in club overview start to happen after one of the SI patches (that one responsible for "n" bugs in the skins made by the gamers...) and in spite of my effort in order to completely solve all the problems, that one has remained (we have to go out of the panel and return, in order to work fine).
4. Thanks for your help concerning the understanding of the Fruit Joy. In fact I also thought that that is a problem with the default container. However I don't know why it happens because all the boxes include the "default" instructions in order to show a different panel in each box....and also the "save_current_sate" instruction.....maybe there are a conflict with other skins...I really don't know...
Howdy flut,
however I was a little busy. THX again for your fast reply.
Just wanted to let you know that thanks to you the competition logos are now lovely centered in my game.
#157306 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
Social Straddle
For the Competition (referring to all logos which are bigger/differently sized from Club logos) thats my screenshot:
And for these much too eager motivated screenboxes - here you go:
thats how they keep coming back...
And that's how i want them to be:
--> any suggestion how i can fixate them in this particular size?
and for the post of Fruit Joy - i suppose he's having the problem that in the player profile the personal player details are set for multiple info boxes...
I also noticed that when coming to the 'club overview' by clicking some link sometimes the: key player, manager, etc and the last fixures are blank on the page but by clicking something in the header and returning to club overview make them reappear. Just FYI.
See u around,
#157106 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
Social Straddle
Hej Flut,
that's the screen i was talking about again... The player team game following screen is absolutely fabulous
And in my game the competition logo position (on any competition screen) CL or World Cup for example are too much right in the header.
Another thing any idea how i can fix certain in game boxes because they repeatedly change to any size after i always try to keep them in a certain way.
I mean the boxes that pop up when the game sequences aren't shown due to 'comprehensive' or 'extended' settings for a match and the infos come up.
Thanks for any advice,
#156749 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
Social Straddle
I was just wondering if in your previous versions (the old dark one or the first white ones) in the team postmatch screen the PoM (player of the match) was also diplayed?
Anyway, great skin - everythings working for me - thanks again for fixing this.
Keep up the good work!
#156129 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
Social Straddle
Here's another picture:
however it looks somewhat weird with the two grey boxes...
#156125 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
Social Straddle
that's what i mean:
in this case (before a game) everything's ok
but in game the left dark panel/box is white so it looks like this:
just a minor thing i know...
while taking the screenshots i noticed another prob, in game preview when the team names appear to be too long, they get messed up:
and just a suggestion (because i really like your fresh greeny style) in the line up screen i was reducing the grass colour intensity so that it fits with the pitch colours. But like i said only a suggestion.
And finally of course i didn't meant to be beating someone but to congratulate (thumb up) you to your great work.
So better use icons
#155857 FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v 2.0 [updated 30.07.2014]
Social Straddle
First of all - really amazing work.
This skin and its predecessor really make my gaming so much more intense.
Nevertheless i have some minor 'buggy' things to report:
1. In the team postmatch screen (not from the game you just played) from any game you can observe by clicking on the results - i cant see any goal or disciplinary info for the teams. So you can't see who scored the goals etc. and two of the lower info panels cannot be used (greyed out). Maybe a resolution problem, but i use the normal 1920x1080.
2. when using the player instruction settings the white (or grey) fonts colour makes it a little tricky to find the player you want to change instructions for.
Just wanted to let you know. Hope this helps making your incredible work even better.
And thanks for putting so much time into this for all of us.
#55606 H9's SSFB (front/back) kits (CLOSED)
Social Straddle
Just noticed they are already here.
Wonderful work. You're the man
This will definitely add to game...
THX a lot M8.
#55594 SS' Susie Avatar's Kits
Social Straddle
Thx Hammer! Great Job. They're looking really nice!
Keep up the good work. We all love you for this!
#53996 H9's SSFB (front/back) kits (CLOSED)
Social Straddle
Would you mind doing these three please? :
Hannover Kits with:
Home: 39 Diouf
Away: 6 Cherundolo
Third: 10 Huszti
That would be awesome!
#53990 SS' Susie Avatar's Kits
Social Straddle
Style: SS Kits
Name: Social Straddle
Number: 49
Club: Hannover 96
Year: 12/13
Home and Away
thx in advance.
#44212 Increasing 2D Player Size?
Social Straddle
In the 'new' 2D mode they have an appropiate size, but i really like the old ones better.
So here's my question:
Is there any chance to change the size of that player graphics, and when which config_file or folder do i have to search and change them in?
I am still playing in demo-mode due to the bad ME reputation of the new FM, but plan on changing to buy the full version anyway.
Can anybody help out - thanks in advance!