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#160190 Can you win this match?
True, but then I've found it ceased to be a fun game quite some time ago, and then things like this don't improve matters either: 2-0 up against Oldham who are the bottom club by a mile. They have a player sent off and then somehow stage a three goal comeback. As soon as they scored 1 minute after their man being sent off, I knew what was coming, but totally powerless to stop it as usual.
#160091 Can you win this match?
#160089 Can you win this match?
#160082 Can you win this match?
#160078 Can you win this match?
#160058 Can you win this match?
I am in the second season as manager of Portsmouth. The first season went reasonably well and I was promoted after finishing third in League Two. However, the current season I have endured miserable defeat after miserable defeat and I don't actually understand why. I will freely admit that I don't really have much of a clue about tactics in the game. The players I have seem to be quite good, though not exceptional for League One. However, I just cannot stop conceding goals. It's about an average of two a match and it is becoming really irritating.
Anyway, the problem I have at the moment is a match against Oxford. I have replayed this match over 30 times and I just can't win. The match is away and Oxford are on a 7 match unbeaten run, though still low in the table. No matter what tactics I seem to use, or players I field, I just can't do any better than a draw (1-1 on two occasions). Otherwise, Oxford win the match every single time. Usually by two goals or more and without my Portsmouth side even scoring. It does actually seem to be impossible to defeat them.
I have uploaded my save to a dropbox account. Perhaps someone could have a go at attempting to beat Oxford and see if they can - and then let me know how they managed it, and maybe any other comments on the team etc. https://www.dropbox.com/s/5jbclsp22w2fnbh/Portsmouth.fm (59mb)