lentine - Comments

#83374 2013 Adboard Patch - NOW AVAILABLE!
12 years ago
10 years ago
I installed it as per the instructions but I only have some of the default ad boards displayed plus a few of the original fm boards. I copied the Club Adboards xml file into the ads folder. so in the folder named ads, I have only one file named fm, the xml. Any suggestions?
#52170 4-1-2-1-2 Attack. Consistent, goals, win!
12 years ago
10 years ago
This is with juve, same tacs but with WB in WB position. I never got those kind of score lines with Milan. One loss against bayern, but my players played awful that day, 5.4 etc, + injury + suspension.
#51905 4-1-2-1-2 Attack. Consistent, goals, win!
12 years ago
10 years ago
If you look at the borgo results, I created a friendly with fiorentina and was winning 2 nil up until half time, I lost only 3-2, okay it was a friendly but usually a side at the bottom like that ought to get raped thoroughly, maybe grab one quick goal out of letting 5 in.
#51903 4-1-2-1-2 Attack. Consistent, goals, win!
12 years ago
10 years ago
Hope someone can try it and let me know how they get on. I scored a whole bunch of goals in my fist bit of season with Juve, the results are perhaps a little stronger than first season with Milan but Juve is not set up for this sort of tactic so it's a lot of hassle to get the right players in and the wrong ones out. You might find problems if you pick a side with no DM or AMC's, not to mention no WBs. If you don't have them, you really need to get them.
#51894 4-1-2-1-2 Attack. Consistent, goals, win!
12 years ago
10 years ago
With Milan, 4 or 5th season I think, weaker front line this season but still very consistent.
#51893 4-1-2-1-2 Attack. Consistent, goals, win!
12 years ago
10 years ago
As you can see, start of the season was very dodgy, but improved very much afterward.
#50295 Italy - Seconda Divisions SS'2012/13
12 years ago
10 years ago
Monza don't work! ID seems to be correct, format is correct, very strange...