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#654336 Rangers Default Logo / Club Badge
You need to delete it in the config file too. Whatever the image was titled will be the ID, you need to find the line that directly matches that in the config file and just delete it and then reload the skin/restart the game and it should be fine.
edit: And you'd need to do this in every folder that has a logo pack installed ie the small logos too.
#610228 SS' kits Template Thread
Thank you so much! 🙂
#609968 SS' kits Template Thread
#252280 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
I have a similar problem. Downloaded the main 7.0 pack and it works perfectly. Downloaded the 'changes' so I now have 5 zip files staring with '7.0 changes' and ending with '7.04 changes'. Do I extract every zip file or just the first one? Tried extracting them all and it resulted in one massive folder called 'faces' inside a folder called 'sortitoutsi'. I copied that into my 'megapack 7.0' folder already in the graphics folder in the documents part of SI and when I reload the skin some of my faces are gone although not all of them.
Basically I just don't know how to get the changes to take effect, sorry.