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#133379 How do i set up a good defense?
Nicolai Madsen
Central defenders are instructed as limited defenders, since they have no "attacking" skills, full backs on support, 2 MC's ball winning (D) and box to box (S).
2 wingers (S) AM Advanced playmaker, and striker as complete forward.
Team instructions are set to Control - Balanced.
Drop deep and stand off opponents
Short passing, retain possesion, run at defense, drill crosses, pass into space and be more expressive.
#132922 How do i set up a good defense?
Nicolai Madsen
most of my victories are typically 3-2, 4-3, 5-4. You get the picture..
I know it is difficult to belt when you don't know, all the details of my team, but the general problem is slow defenders with low intelligence, i'm playing in the skrill premier so, so basically all the defenders i can get are slow unintelligent idiots, with bad heading and tackling skills.
Hope you can help,