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#750798 Brazil Kits help
Gus Couldwell
No not using two kit packs, just tried two different ones separately. Thanks for trying to help and explain, I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong as I just make the existing kits disappear. No matter though, I found a download that fixes the issue, although it does mean starting a new save, thankfully I've not progressed much more than a week!
Can be found here in the unlikely event someone else has this problem playing a 4 year old game!
#750702 Brazil Kits help
Gus Couldwell
Sorry probably should have included more information. I've added some screenshots to demonstrate the issue. I'm not sure how the in game editor would help with adding external graphics, but I'm not super experienced with this.
The kit packs I've downloaded are 2D kits, I tried one kit downloaded from Sortitoutsi - Brazil - Serie A SS'2020 Relink and another from fmslovakia - FC'12 Braazil - Serie A 2021-2022
#750698 Brazil Kits help
Gus Couldwell
I've been trying to add kits to the Brazilian league and I'm really struggling. As far as I can tell the kit packs and the config file are all correct, but in game not all the kits show.
For instance, Santos away kit is missing, Fluminense is missing away and 3rd. Flamengo home and third etc.
Is there something I'm missing?
#624545 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Gus Couldwell
Am I going mad because I can't work out how to download:Japan - J1 League SS'2019 Relink! (26/10/19)orFM2020 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v2.3 for FM20.4.1 [released on 28/04/2020].They just link me back to the same page?Apologies, just saw the comments above!
#564472 Has anyone made a database that keeps the World Cup at 32 teams?
Gus Couldwell