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#729586 Mustermann23 v3.03 - Updated 10/06/2023 - NEW SKIN ADDED!
bro that skin is good
but don't like the player guy on the left menu bar
I like the menu bar clean
is there away to delete the player on the menubar and still use the skin ?
#122504 SC Corinthians Paulista - Moltisanti The Chef
Corinthians sack Tite.
The Corinthians SC yesterday confirmed the sacking of the current Manager Adenor Leonardo Bachi also known as "Tite".
After Tite called the president a "Fool with no football-knowledge" the Board decided to show Tite the way out.
Why there was an arguing between the president and Tite is unclear.
,,With the disrespect to the president in front of the whole Nation we had no other choice.We still can't believe that Tite has said that.
But we would like to thank Tite for his work and achievments here at our Club. But the Boardroom can not accept such disrespectful move.
Now we trying to do our best to find a new Manager for our Team that will get them ready for the Campeonato Brasiliero."
to be continued
going against the club president - was probably not the best idea of Tite