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#464708 FM 2019 - Problem with training (too much Strength training)
I decided to post here cause this problem is already causing me lot of trouble and I couldnt find any solution out on internet and thought that maybe one of you guys have a solution for it.
My players started to complain in the middle of the season that they are unhappy with the extra amount of strength that I am assigning them. The fact is that I dont do any special assignment for strength training and I have checked my training calendar and there is nothing there that could lead to this extra amount.
I also checked my coach assignments and for every section, I have the work load set as "light". I have more than one coach assignment for each training, some coaches are every 4 or 5 times assigned.
Does any one have experienced this kind of problem or know how to deal with that?
I am not at home at the moment, but could later upload some images, in case there are questions.
Thank you a lot in advance!