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#782551 UEFA REBOOTED - Alternative Continental, Intercontinental, and International files
Thanks for getting back to me! Good spot on the -x, -y thing for selecting favorite team. Coincidentally I did exactly this to select my nationality and must have just had a brain-neutral moment when I to the ‘favorite team’ selection. If I add a manager I will definitely do that.
The club coefficient freezing in Europe is WAY better than the alternative in vanilla. When it's working the way the base game has it set up with Russia's embargo it means that their yearly coefficient is zero so within the span of five years you're below Malta and San Marino.
Even though you may not have solved it, you definitely improved it!
Cheers 🙂
#782468 UEFA REBOOTED - Alternative Continental, Intercontinental, and International files
I created an account just to say THANK YOU!
In my journeyman save I ended up in Dinamo Moscow on vanilla version and every year I would lose star players due to the declining popularity of the league regardless of our performance.
One question: Is it possible to select a team from the Russian leagues as your favorite team when creating your manager profile? When going through the option of “favorite team” neither Russian nor Soviet Union nor USSR popped up.
It's a small QOL question and regardless of that I have been having a blast with the update.
Thanks again!