chosenn - Comments

#277707 Germany 5 Divisions
11 years ago
5 months ago
First thanks for your work.. this is amazing

second, sorry if this issue has been addressed before, but it seems there is a problem with the file i downloaded.
in the attachment is screen shot of the error.

when i tried to verify the rules (test rules) it shows this error

I have also had this issue when verifying the rules after making a couple of changes on the editor.

I'm sorry this file has not been updated to the latest patch. It is working except for the regional division issues and teams assigned to wrong leagues in level 4 and below as long as you don't have other database changes that interfere with IDs or leagues I changed.

When I select this editor file, I am unable to select England as a playable league. It gives the error that there are too many teams in one division (286 instead of 14)

I was not able reporduce this. Most likely you have different custom files that might not work together. This is also most likely because of the age of my version - I did not improve this for ages nor adapt it to the latest patch (though it is working with the latest patch)
#221003 Germany 5 Divisions
11 years ago
5 months ago
Why you make fantasy league? Make a version with Werder III.

This is far from a fantasy league
#218812 Germany 5 Divisions
11 years ago
5 months ago
How come there are 17 teams in the Oberliga Nord Ost Süd? (Nievenheim appear to be the odd one out)

I would realy love to be able to explain this but I can't. In my file only 16 teams are assigned to this tournament and I do not understand why a team is drafted to this league. Been debugging alot... Any tipps help.. My latest alpha is this.