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#277707 Germany 5 Divisions
I'm sorry this file has not been updated to the latest patch. It is working except for the regional division issues and teams assigned to wrong leagues in level 4 and below as long as you don't have other database changes that interfere with IDs or leagues I changed.
I was not able reporduce this. Most likely you have different custom files that might not work together. This is also most likely because of the age of my version - I did not improve this for ages nor adapt it to the latest patch (though it is working with the latest patch)
#221003 Germany 5 Divisions
This is far from a fantasy league
#218812 Germany 5 Divisions
I would realy love to be able to explain this but I can't. In my file only 16 teams are assigned to this tournament and I do not understand why a team is drafted to this league. Been debugging alot... Any tipps help.. My latest alpha is this.