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#545406 💡 Alternative Metallic Logo Request Thread (no real/official logos)
Can somebody resize this to ''normal'' for FM graphics and also make it Metallic please? This would be really appreciated, thank you
#545405 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Please use this Hull KR badge (with none of the writing underneath, I.E cup final): https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D0BAQGwQ8GY3kh9nA/company-logo_200_200/0?e=2159024400&v=beta&t=ewV-bVVsxZU5n9wlFHWoUZjUVlg50MtPy-Mou3fZoZM
In the red band of the shirt could you include the sponsor as Siemens (https://www.admedo.com/us/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2017/06/Siemens-logo.png) with the Siemens logo being in white colour
Request 2: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EIjXcE5X0AYnb80.jpg https://cdn.globalauctionplatform.com/580d4dc1-174e-49b3-ae7c-a69f00bfa07e/15eda086-72ab-48f7-eae4-91d06975f0a8/540x360.jpg (for a better angle on the stripes) - could you make this, but again modern, please.
Could it have a modern white Adidas logo, but this time, please make the Hull KR badge this one: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/7/72/Hull_Kingston_Rovers_logo.svg/150px-Hull_Kingston_Rovers_logo.svg.png
Request 3: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0075/2802/2075/products/20191117-133212--3_800x.jpg?v=1574623322 - could you please make this, but by Adidas, with their modern logo and in yellow colour.
Can you use this Leeds badge: https://logos-world.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Leeds-football-logo.png Not the precise one in the photo if you have a better quality one.
Can you make the sponsor Qatar Airways and make it look like it what appears on the Barcelona shirt: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ed/d6/6c/edd66c004ba252e500ec705b54116c14.jpg
#427806 Logopack request
I am in the process of creating a retro database (2001-02 to be precise).
I would like somebody who has experience with logos to help me out and create me a logo pack for club badges and competitions. I can supply the logos needed to save the inconvenience of google searches etc.
Please PM me if you are interested
#408154 ==== Belgium==== Kit complet Jupiler Pro League 3D'2017/18
Could you please do England (Premier League), Germany (Bundesliga to 3.Liga), Turkey (top flight) and Spain (La Liga to Segunda B Divisions)
This would be greatly appreciated
Thanks again
#407705 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Thanks again Brian! You are an FM life saver
#407477 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Thank you
#404963 Aston Villa, Birmingham City and Sheffield Wednesday's logo's are too big
Thanks a lot Brian, that's very helpful
It seems that only the new logo's or changed logo's are the ones effected Kremmen will this be fixed for the next update?
Thanks as ever for the hard work with the logos
#404761 Aston Villa, Birmingham City and Sheffield Wednesday's logo's are too big
Not noticed that myself actually but you could have a good point there
Hope these are fixed for the next update! The pack is by far the best out there, it just feels belittling and messy though when one club's badge is bigger than the other... I think the same goes for Rangers' new badge as well.. noticed after making the thread. There is a common theme that the club's who have changed badge or changed back (Birmingham from their anniversary logo to usual one for instance) have the bigger badges
#404691 Aston Villa, Birmingham City and Sheffield Wednesday's logo's are too big
No they shouldn't be as I've re-downloaded the pack for the new game, and not messed around with it at all other than copying and pasting it into the appropriate section for it to work in-game
#403493 Aston Villa, Birmingham City and Sheffield Wednesday's logo's are too big
Aston Villa, Birmingham City and Sheffield Wednesday's logo are too big compared to the other teams they are playing
I've attached an example photo in this thread
Thanks for all the efforts made into this logo pack it's greatly appreciated, I've used it for many FM's now.
EDIT: Looking back at the picture, it appears Nottingham Forest's logo is too big as well. I would suggest downsizing this to the normal size along with the other clubs and perhaps have an alternative option of removing the stars? In case someone manages Forest and wins them more Champions Leagues
Also looking at the Vanarama North, York City's logo looks too big compared to the others.