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#403988 sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs Home Thread - 2025.03 OUT NOW [19/02/2025]
Dite De Molay
Ah I see.. I'm using dark skin right now.. after change it into normal default skin VOILA its working now !! Thank you very much for your good and hard work !! Well done
#403965 sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs Home Thread - 2025.03 OUT NOW [19/02/2025]
Dite De Molay
Did it doesnt work when using another type of graphics mod like mini stadium pack etc?
#356328 Wannachup FM17 Beta
Dite De Molay
#353524 Wannachup Instant Result FM17 - All Default Skins
Dite De Molay
#307574 Vitrex16 2.1 UPDATED (16.2 crash fix)
Dite De Molay
Just another same complaint, player position mostly not showing up when open their profile are still there and surely annoying
#304155 Vitrex16 2.1 UPDATED (16.2 crash fix)
Dite De Molay
Go into the following folder and delete the "game processing panel" xml file found in both:
Vitrex16 2.0 / panels
Vitrex16 2.0 / panels / game
Reload skin.
That methods so far works for me after 16.2 update.
#303421 Vitrex16 2.1 UPDATED (16.2 crash fix)
Dite De Molay
Is there any negative effect if I delete both of that file? I mean we delete something that supposed to be there or included.
#302719 [FM16][SKIN]Alavanja 16 Probase
Dite De Molay
#302591 [FM16][SKIN]Alavanja 16 Probase
Dite De Molay
#302590 Vitrex16 2.1 UPDATED (16.2 crash fix)
Dite De Molay
#302498 [FM16][SKIN]Alavanja 16 Alternative
Dite De Molay
#302353 Vitrex16 2.1 UPDATED (16.2 crash fix)
Dite De Molay
#302350 Vitrex16 2.1 UPDATED (16.2 crash fix)
Dite De Molay
" Btw I think I found a minor bug, I've been installing a kit pack and its working just fine in your skin just like when I used other skins too. But in yours, when I use instant result feature after the match is done it will display the final score among with both team kit on side of it, but the both team kit only showing dark blank without any colour or emblem on it. Other than that it work just fine on club screen, match, etc. "
#302339 Vitrex16 2.1 UPDATED (16.2 crash fix)
Dite De Molay
#302059 Wannachupbrew FM16 v1.2.1
Dite De Molay
#299757 [RELEASED] FM16 newgen/regen hairpack 2580+ new hairstyles
Dite De Molay
#299627 Aurum 2016
Dite De Molay
#299271 Vitrex16 2.1 UPDATED (16.2 crash fix)
Dite De Molay
NICE !! Cant wait mate !! Best skin so far out there for FM 16
#299217 FMTGW Official FM16 Skin v2.0 **Updated for 16.3 version**
Dite De Molay
#299212 Vitrex16 2.1 UPDATED (16.2 crash fix)
Dite De Molay
#298873 Vitrex16 2.1 UPDATED (16.2 crash fix)
Dite De Molay
#298836 Vitrex16 2.1 UPDATED (16.2 crash fix)
Dite De Molay
NICE !! Will look foward to it mate !! I love your skin
Oh and 2 other bug that I found today,
1. When opening player profile, sometimes role and duty column only show blank without showing any info on what role that perfect for that player. My solution so far are I clicked on positions yellow link on the column above it, click back and then role and duty will be showing.
2. On a match, when I choose to show my player status on the column, sometimes it only shows my GK status only and none of other players including the subtitutes. My solution are changing that part of column into something else, like match overview etc, and select my player status again and all back to normal.
Thanks mate for your nice and hard work !!
#298753 Vitrex16 2.1 UPDATED (16.2 crash fix)
Dite De Molay
#298752 Vitrex16 2.1 UPDATED (16.2 crash fix)
Dite De Molay
#297913 FM16 Instant Result skin by Wannachupbrew
Dite De Molay
I'm sure you can't because it a whole different of 2 skins, you can only choose on of it. Besides flut already have instants result on their skins too
#297896 FMTGW Official FM16 Skin v2.0 **Updated for 16.3 version**
Dite De Molay
Ah okay then mate, keep up the good work !!
#297851 FMTGW Official FM16 Skin v2.0 **Updated for 16.3 version**
Dite De Molay
NICE !! Change log?
#297810 FMTGW Official FM16 Skin v2.0 **Updated for 16.3 version**
Dite De Molay
Ah okay then, its a minor of maybe even not a problem at all for me. Still a very good skin after all for me, thank you for your nice works mate !!
#297548 FMTGW Official FM16 Skin v2.0 **Updated for 16.3 version**
Dite De Molay
#297536 FMTGW Official FM16 Skin v2.0 **Updated for 16.3 version**
Dite De Molay