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#673789 Scottish pyramid System 2021/22
William nicol
thanks i fixed a bit regarding the fixtures but for some reason still not putting the real fixtures in for some reason not sure how to too fix it sorry.
#640272 Scottish Pyramid system 2021
William nicol
The second file scot alt has a 20 prem and 20 championship for a bit of fun prob put the colts in that file.
#640247 Scottish Pyramid system 2021
William nicol
What I'll work on its the 20 20 league update it and add the rangers and celtic colts b team work on them getting too the championship work on next week when am off work try get it updated before next weekend .
#640240 Scottish Pyramid system 2021
William nicol
Ano could not take them out them out the reserve league but return to normal ones they are taken out the league not sure if you can change that in fm if you can happy to fix it if you can .
#640186 Scottish Pyramid system 2021
William nicol
Hi it's the bottom Scottish pyramid system 2021 for the update , def colts are in the first file as well they are only in for one season like real life .
#640160 Scottish Pyramid system 2021
William nicol
Thank you the colts are in the first file the scottish pyramid system update 2 and the new one I just uploaded for 2021 are also in it .
#640134 Scottish Pyramid system 2021
William nicol
you can manage any team down too the amateurs ,just place the file you want in the editor file.
#638991 Scottish Pyramid system 2021
William nicol
Hi guys just noticed put the wrong file for 20 prem league up now under alt scot pyramid system , something similar too the first file expect 20 prem and 20 championship for a bit of fun sines hate teams playing each other 4 times .
#632964 Scottish Pyramid system 2021
William nicol
i have updated the file too 21.4 also have added another file which have a 20 league premier league and 20 league championship .
#615879 Scottish Pyramid system 2021
William nicol
prob will make a different set up in a few weeks or so still not sure too go for like 20 22 league or something different .
#613706 Scottish Pyramid system 2021
William nicol
#558597 Scottish Fantasy pyramid System Version 1
William nicol
#493826 Scottish Fantasy pyramid System Version 1
William nicol
#493824 Scottish Fantasy pyramid System Version 1
William nicol
#493819 Scottish Fantasy pyramid System Version 1
William nicol
#481900 Promotions and relegations 2019-20 season + updated CHL and EL teams (7. update 21-07-2019)
William nicol
#481697 Promotions and relegations 2019-20 season + updated CHL and EL teams (7. update 21-07-2019)
William nicol
#480648 FM Live Update Promotions & Relegations
William nicol
#461469 Scottish Fantasy pyramid System
William nicol
How did you update it? please
I'd love not ta have start my file from scratch again
alright had too go fm18 editor and untick the compess file then import the file , then go onto the editor on 19 then import the file there is something about it on the Sports Interactive Community page thats wear i got it from not sure wear the page is sorry hope it helps good luck
#446777 Souleymane Coulibaly
William nicol
#435672 Kenny Miller
William nicol
#395484 Martin Canning
William nicol
#395476 Martin Canning
William nicol
#383198 Darren Young
William nicol
#341831 Scottish pyramid system
William nicol
c: Documents - Sports interactive - football manger 2016 editor data (if not got it just make folder)
#341413 Liam Fox
William nicol
#340292 Scottish pyramid system
William nicol
Iv checked go to the bottom of the download page 2016 his download is 2nd from bottom click on it there is a link to kits and logos
#340249 Scottish pyramid system
William nicol
#338457 Scottish pyramid system
William nicol
Had a good look all teams play in theses small cups I have added 1 or 2 teams on too make up the numbers in some cups , As for the junior cup name ill update it if i release another update thanks
#338447 Scottish pyramid system
William nicol
Hi i am unaware of any duplicate teams what cup is it and ill check thanks