vagg77 - Comments

#799049 Italian Kits 23/24 All Divisions W.I.P
11 years ago
1 month ago

is there a downloads for all the 3d kits???


#798960 Greece - SuperLeague 1 2023/24
11 years ago
1 month ago
By geokar6860 01 August 2024 - 15:23 PM UTC 

καλησπερα @Panos Roumeliotis κατεβασα τα αρχεια τα φορτωσα και δεν μου εμφανιζει τις 3D kits στο παιχνιδι ξερεις τι μπορει να φταει ??

τις 2D τις φορτωσε κανονικα 


English - “good evening @Panos Roumeliotis I downloaded the files and loaded them and it doesn't show the 3D kits in the game, do you know what could be wrong?? the 2D ones loaded normally”


Το προβλημα υπαρχει επειδη τα ονοματα των αρχειων εχουν κενα (spaces).


Πρεπει να μετατρεψετε το αρχειο π.χ olympiacos 1 → olympiacos1 και να το αλλαξετε και στο config και voilaaaa


English - “The problem exists because the names of the files have spaces. You have to convert the file eg olympiacos 1 → olympiacos1 and change it in the config too and voilaaaa”

#614339 SS' kits Template Thread
11 years ago
1 month ago
I have this, if you haven't found it yet

Can someone please help me with these Joma templates?
#614294 3D kits Technical Help Thread
11 years ago
1 month ago
Guys, I don't know if this has already been answered, but is it possible to add 3D kits to Goalkeepers for either FM20 or FM21?

Sorry if this one has been asked again!
#613719 3D Kits Template Thread for FM20/21/22/23 only
11 years ago
1 month ago
I understand the problem, and I'm taking time to reply, but this suggestion will not pass, sorry. Most of paint programs have built-in browsers that shows psd files and they can easily be viewed from program (not windows explorer). Adding png files would just add confusion for us who are browsing from programs and would double the files in pack and increase pack size.
People who really need png files for previewing purposes can make them themselves by using batch convert, that should also be available in most of paint programs.

Thanks a lot for taking the time to respond. It's ok of course, I will be doing the procedure myself for every one of your packets.

Have a nice day mate!
#613471 3D Kits Template Thread for FM20/21/22/23 only
11 years ago
1 month ago
Hi @bolid74, many thanks on offering to distribute all this files to everybody. I have recently started editing PSD files and I have to say, it was way more easier than I thought it would be.

I would like to make a very kind request.

if it was possible from your side, to always export the template as an image for every .psd kit before releasing it, since it would vastly reduce the time it takes us to go through your files. I mean ok, for EPL we all know the kits by memory, but for lower leagues or even uknown leagues, its is very slow procedure to open the .PSD files one-by-one, where as if your uploaded the files like this, it would be exremely time-efficient for all of us who can use your files.

Again, MANY THANKS for distributing your files!!!
#612885 3D Kits Viewer (FM18-21)
11 years ago
1 month ago
Sir, amazing work!!!

Can you please explain how to use the Windows version? I cannot understand how I will launch it, after cloning it from GITHUB.

I am afraid that someday maybe the website will go down and we will not be able to use it, so I want to start using the desktop version.

Thank you very much
#612574 Changing Net colors
11 years ago
1 month ago
Hello to everybody.

I have searched multiple times in the past for this feature, but no one seems to be able to provide a concrete solution on the issue.


How can we change the original net color of some teams? Can this be done using the Editor or the In-game editor? Is it related to the seat colors? I really hope somebody answers this questions, its really frustrating to play all the seasons in wrong nets...

Thanks in advance!!!
#581035 Greece - Greek SuperLeague 3D'2020/21 for FM20/21 New! (24/11/20)
11 years ago
1 month ago
Can you do this please. 🙂

Thanks man, keep in mind that you have missed the 3rd Olympiakos kit, the blue one.

This kit was updated a few days ago in the SS kits, keep in mind that it should also be added as a 3D third kit.

Image from the kit from the Porto - Olympiakos match in Champions League
#581031 Greece - Superleague SS'2020/21 Relink! (05/12/20)
11 years ago
1 month ago