tingtinglinglin - Comments

#132053 Nexway Purchase
11 years ago
10 years ago
You have to buy the editor yourself. It costs another 4 or 5 pounds I think. you have to buy it in downloads.

On another note, I still haven't gotten my response from Nexway, and now Rob isn't communicating with me either after telling me that he had contacted them as well.
#130189 Nexway Download Link
11 years ago
10 years ago
I'm in the United States and have sent messages to Nexway. I just want my refund now, don't even want the code anymore. I'll think twice before getting anything from this site now.
#129941 Who's getting FM on Christmas Day?
11 years ago
10 years ago
same, still waiting for my code
#129940 Nexway Download Link
11 years ago
10 years ago
I'm in the United States and I'm having the same problem. My friend in the UK didn't get her code either. I'm fairly certain its not just a licensing issue.

Edit: I have the receipt from Paypal and an invoice from Nexway. And the author of the thread is in Jakarta, Indonesia. Not Malaysia.