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#757866 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 SS'2023/24 Relink! (14/12/23)
Luda Low
It only downloads the Prem and Championship? Any ideas why? Thanks
#693416 MLS SS'2022 Relink! (13/02/23)
Luda Low
Dude sweet!!!
#568924 USA - NISA SS'2020 New! (13/05/20)
Luda Low
Could anyone tell me which team the sky blue and white stripe kit belongs to. I can't find which team it is online. Unique ID is Rhode Island Stingrays but this team is extinct and can't find an updated logo to link it. Thanks
#518089 USA - MLS SS'2020 Relink! (04/02/21)
Luda Low
#515488 SOS- Editor Playoffs issue
Luda Low
Whats the best way to do that?
#515360 SOS- Editor Playoffs issue
Luda Low
I've had a problem when loading an edited (over 1.1m edits to be exact). For some reason the editor verifies the rules in basic rules in the editor but won't load without an error message in the game. But when I convert it to advanced rules it says there an error with promoted/relegated teams (too many down not enough up), which basically isn't counting the promotion playoffs. Finally when I tried to click off the promotion playoff and re-do it, once I clicked off there was no tick-box to select the playoff again?? This was the same with all divisions promotion and relegation playoffs (all tick-boxes would disappear when clicked off).
Any help would be brilliant.
#378585 USA - MLS SS'2017 New! (07/05/17)
Luda Low
#372882 USA - MLS SS'2016 New! (03/03/16)
Luda Low
Thanks for the link
#372841 USA - MLS SS'2016 New! (03/03/16)
Luda Low
Which software do you use to create please, I wanted to make a few myself
#298040 Kits problems
Luda Low
Thanks again.
#298021 Kits problems
Luda Low
#298018 Kits problems
Luda Low
#298014 Kits problems
Luda Low
Minnesota Utd- H
Jacksonville Armada - H
Fort Lauderdale Strikers- T
As I'm typing I've been checking the kitpacks to the game and it seems some are missing H&A but I've obviously been checking the config files have correct ID's in both sections and matching kitpack names and they're all correct. It also seems most of them are randomly on the same config file/same folder as kits that show up entirely for some teams. I'm totally baffled as at times on previous games I've added kits in myself and sorted the config etc.. out and not had a problem.
Thanks again.
#297907 Kits problems
Luda Low
#297904 Kits problems
Luda Low
#297328 Kits problems
Luda Low
#162719 Small Logos Not Working
Luda Low
I've the same problem, there isn't a small logo folder when Ii downloaded the file. Usually on older logo pack there is a Large, Normal and Small. On this is pack there is only a Back Right and Normal. Am I missing somethimg?