Trey1234 - Comments

#502049 3D Fantasy Kits Thread
10 years ago
1 week ago
Hi I know that everyone who is capable of making 3D kits for FM20 already has their hands full with just getting the normal kits done - but if anyone gets the chance please could you make some custom 3D Leeds kits for me!

They would be the 3D versions of the kits linked here and also attached below.
The White being Home, the Blue Away and the Yellow as a Third kit. In terms of shorts and socks, it would just be the same primary colours as the kits with adidas stripes in the secondary colour of each strip (basically how Real Madrid do their kits). There would also be the specific leeds logo of each kit on one leg of the shorts and the adidas logo on the other leg and on the socks.

Thanks again to all the creators who slave away to make our games look great every year, and I am sure I speak for the rest of us leeches by saying you guys ducking rock, and the fm community is lucky to have you!