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#688503 3D Kits FM Kit Creator (Now Available!)
Okay it looks like the problem was, I was not refreshing the skin with the save loaded… What a dope I am! I was doing this from the main menu because you can easily see the 3D kits in the locker room splash screen.
#688502 3D Kits FM Kit Creator (Now Available!)
Yes and yes. Here's another caveat:
I can change the 3D kit in a different save for Borussia Dortmund.
I've loaded up a test save with Arsenal, and cannot get a 3D kit to show in game, but the 2D will show.
Same process as for Dortmund.
Totally weird!
#688476 3D Kits FM Kit Creator (Now Available!)
@kitcreator Is there a place to submit help requests / troubleshooting ? I cannot get custom kits to load in FM despite following the instructions to a tee.
Thank you!
#688473 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Does anyone know how to get the game to recognize new 3D kits?
I've used the FM Kit Creator, followed the instructions to a tee, but it doesn't work.
Also, does anyone know what would cause the option “allow licensed kits” to get unticked by itself?
#688009 3D Kits FM Kit Creator (Now Available!)
** EDIT - This appears to not be working now
If anyone is having trouble getting 3D kits to show in game read this!
You may need to move the downloaded folder from FMKITCREATOR to the “pictures” folder if you have one! I know that on the how to video they show it going right into the “graphics” folder, but that doesn't work for me for some reason. I have the graphics folder, but also a “pictures” subfolder with things like: stadiums, trophy packs, etc." You may have this too, and if you do, and you can't get the 3D kits to show in game, try adding them to that pictures subfolder instead of just adding them to the “graphics” folder.