Maximilian Strube - Comments

#670157 [FM22][Skin]Mustermann v1.6 - TEAM COLOUR VERSION NOW AVAILABLE
Maximilian Strube
11 years ago
2 months ago
By gimn85 24 December 2021 - 01:19 AM UTC 

1. You could potentially move this to the top, by editing horizontal no fitness, line 27.  Change it to:

<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="1"/>


2. How did you change the colours.  Did you do this through the preferences menu, or by editing the Mustermann Graphical QHD Team Colours settings.xml?  (I'm trying to guess the resolution from your screenshot - the actual settings file might be different, but it'll be the only one in the settings folder).  You may need to edit the background colours, too - all profile attributes are lines 342-354.  You want the colour names to be the same for the attribute and the respective background.  It'll end up looking something like this:


<colour name="low attribute"        value="bg"/>
<colour name="normal attribute"       value="fg accent1"/>
<colour name="good attribute"        value="orangergb" />
<colour name="excellent attribute"       value="greenrgb" />
<colour name="unknown attribute background"    value="bg darker"/>
<colour name="low attribute background"     value="bg"/>
<colour name="normal attribute background"     value="fg accent1"/>
<colour name="good attribute background"     value="orangergb" />
<colour name="excellent attribute background"    value="greenrgb" />


In place of “orangergb” and “greenrgb”, you'll need to put in the rgb values for the colours.  For example, value="rgb(255,204,0)" would be a shade of orange.  You can get this from the advanced settings in preferences when setting colours.  Alternatively, you can use terms like “Orange 700” which refers to the MaterialUI colours here.


I hope that made sense!


Sir you're a Football Manager Saint, I'm not just impressed I'm truly in love with that skin now.
Thank you for your help!

#670148 [FM22][Skin]Mustermann v1.6 - TEAM COLOUR VERSION NOW AVAILABLE
Maximilian Strube
11 years ago
2 months ago
By gimn85 23 December 2021 - 21:43 PM UTC 

So I've attatched two files below - these need to go into panels/player/mustermann folder.  They will replace the “Horizontal+” and “Horizontal-” selections.  After that you'll want to make the following edit to player overview panel.xml in panels/player folder.  On line 7, you will see something similar to:


<layout class="vertical_arrange" vertical_layout="6,300,2,44,2,17,15,2,200,2,-1" offset="0" inset="0" gap="0" draw_horizontal_dividers="false"/>


This might be slightly different, depending on the skin version you are using.  Change the 300 to 180 (2nd number in vertical_layout).  For the version above it should now look like this:


<layout class="vertical_arrange" vertical_layout="6,180,2,44,2,17,15,2,200,2,-1" offset="0" inset="0" gap="0" draw_horizontal_dividers="false"/>


This is fucking amazing. Wow damn thank you very much.
I've found a little bug (or maybe something easy to fix and I have another minor question:

1. Is there a way to place the transfervalue somewhere else? (Screenshot 1) (not important just a minor question)
2. I've changed the skin colors for attributes (Screenshot 2 | added green and orange) and this is working fine for the player cards. However for the staff and for custom views I still see the standard colors, this isn't a big deal either, but is kinda confusing especially when I'm playing with the version that doesn't has any attributes (Screenshot 3 & 4)

But again these are just minor details. Overall the skin is amazing and I'm gratefull for your help on my earlier question 🙂

#670067 [FM22][Skin]Mustermann v1.6 - TEAM COLOUR VERSION NOW AVAILABLE
Maximilian Strube
11 years ago
2 months ago

First of all. this skin is amazing and I'm absoulutely in love. That said I have two things I'm not a big fan of:

- First the Scorecards with the player faces: I know you put out another version where the scorecards are beneath but they are still to big. From your explanations I couldn't figure out yet to make them smaller.
- Second the Player Faces in general are to big, the cutoutfaces have a to small resolution and get blurry when scaled up. Can I make the whole container for the Player Picture smaller (Also for staff)?

Thank you in advance!