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#670157 [FM22][Skin]Mustermann v1.6 - TEAM COLOUR VERSION NOW AVAILABLE
Maximilian Strube
Sir you're a Football Manager Saint, I'm not just impressed I'm truly in love with that skin now.
Thank you for your help!
#670148 [FM22][Skin]Mustermann v1.6 - TEAM COLOUR VERSION NOW AVAILABLE
Maximilian Strube
This is fucking amazing. Wow damn thank you very much.
I've found a little bug (or maybe something easy to fix and I have another minor question:
1. Is there a way to place the transfervalue somewhere else? (Screenshot 1) (not important just a minor question)
2. I've changed the skin colors for attributes (Screenshot 2 | added green and orange) and this is working fine for the player cards. However for the staff and for custom views I still see the standard colors, this isn't a big deal either, but is kinda confusing especially when I'm playing with the version that doesn't has any attributes (Screenshot 3 & 4)
But again these are just minor details. Overall the skin is amazing and I'm gratefull for your help on my earlier question 🙂
#670067 [FM22][Skin]Mustermann v1.6 - TEAM COLOUR VERSION NOW AVAILABLE
Maximilian Strube
First of all. this skin is amazing and I'm absoulutely in love. That said I have two things I'm not a big fan of:
- First the Scorecards with the player faces: I know you put out another version where the scorecards are beneath but they are still to big. From your explanations I couldn't figure out yet to make them smaller.
- Second the Player Faces in general are to big, the cutoutfaces have a to small resolution and get blurry when scaled up. Can I make the whole container for the Player Picture smaller (Also for staff)?
Thank you in advance!