yusimon - Comments

#229781 Chief scout won't start my assignment request?
11 years ago
7 years ago
Then you need to go onto the staff assignment screen and set yourself in charge of scouting assignments and not the head scout.

So that's a bug I guess?
#229695 Chief scout won't start my assignment request?
11 years ago
7 years ago
Is your scout also set to scout a competition, or has he done so in the past?

yes, chief scout keep setting other new assignment to the scout, leaving my request preparing...
#229675 Chief scout won't start my assignment request?
11 years ago
7 years ago
I informed an assignment request to my chief scout yet it has been "preparing" for like a year.

I've set the priority to "very urgent" and I have 15 scouts, what should I do to get this assignment ongoing except changing the staff responsibility?

#228968 fmXML for PC
11 years ago
7 years ago
Just downloaded whatever .dll missing and copy into "Administrator\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\fmXML"

It worked for me, win7 64bit
#133947 using FM14 Editor will unlink logo,face&kit?
11 years ago
7 years ago
I have exactly the same issue :-(

I found out why
after deleting the SportsInteractive folder in My Documents, make sure you also delete this folder
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive
Then start fm.exe, re-create a profile and then should be OK.
#133815 using FM14 Editor will unlink logo,face&kit?
11 years ago
7 years ago
Are you sure your user data folder is the same as before?

Where is user data folder?http://ww2.sinaimg.cn/large/686dd8ddgw1ecibtz4xrjj20ew0i7q4s.jpg
#133779 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
11 years ago
7 years ago
I used Football Manager 2014 Editor once lately, didn't even save, yet the "editor.exe" still auto-created some folders in "Documents\Sports Interactive". (Editor 2014, editor data, etc.)

When I reopen FM14 today, all logo, face and kit don't work anymore.

Any ideas?
Please help, thank you!
#133777 using FM14 Editor will unlink logo,face&kit?
11 years ago
7 years ago
I used Football Manager 2014 Editor once lately, didn't even save, yet the "editor.exe" still auto-created some folders in "Documents\Sports Interactive". (Editor 2014, editor data, etc.)

When I reopen FM14 today, all logo, face and kit don't work anymore.

Any ideas?
Please help, thank you!