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#134758 Where are the strikers?
My thinking was that I've found that there are 3 aspects of a FM2014 formation that makes it strong defensively.
1) 3 centre-backs. Works very well.
2). 3 centre-mids. Works very well as even if the playmakers get into the box there is still the DM that will be waiting for a pass back or to break up a counter attack.
3) Support for full backs on both flanks. 3 centre-backs are good but if the full-backs are outnumbered there will be a lot of dangerous crosses and dribbles they will have to deal with.
This formation has 3 centre-backs, 3 centre-mids and 2 players defending on each flank. Set-pieces aside it's very difficult to score in normal play against it. Offensively the formation works surprisingly well. I think "pass into space" is a bit over-powered on the match engine and a lot of goals come from the centre-mids passing in behind for the wingers or the other centre-mid.
Here is my league position. Note I've scored the most goals and conceded the fewest:
Here are some results (some of those friendlies are against much better teams):
Here are stats from a 5-0 away league win (possession if usually a bit better then this):
I'm not sure about how this tactic will work with a better team since it's probably slightly more effective against opponents that attack and play to win; perhaps someone could try? The goals are evenly distributed between the 4 attacking midfielders. Defenders may get the odd goal from a set piece. Some of the passing football I've seen with this tactic has been very pleasing. Possession is usually around 50%. Note the patch I've tested with is 14.3.1.
Link to .tac file: http://www.sendspace.com/file/096cfn