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#321175 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Andrés The Giant
#312331 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Andrés The Giant
To all the kit-makers: Go on about it in your own pace, there will always be ungrateful people around these parts, that's the sad truth. I've made plenty of kits for plenty of leagues throughout the years but I rarely release them - kudos to you who do!
#312121 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Andrés The Giant
#311970 Wrong logo on Torino
Andrés The Giant
Just a heads up
#310545 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Andrés The Giant
#288511 Injured myself playing FM!
Andrés The Giant
#288413 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Andrés The Giant
Some of your logos are WAY too big in size for the shirts and some of the colors are off. Other than that, good...
#288338 Quick question about Asst.Managers
Andrés The Giant
#286902 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Andrés The Giant
#283689 Quick question about Asst.Managers
Andrés The Giant
#283511 Quick question about Asst.Managers
Andrés The Giant
I'm currently managing Athletic Club Bilbao and I'm looking for an asst.manager with the right attributes to the asst.manager-role, and Paul McGuinness have them all, but he's got an unproven reputation.
Does this have any say on my players willingness to work under him or what?
#278507 Kits
Andrés The Giant
#277852 Custom kits problems
Andrés The Giant
#277724 Модерниот Александар (A Modern Alexander)
Andrés The Giant
8/10 times I get handed a contract offer from the respective clubs...
#277713 custom away kit not working
Andrés The Giant
#277700 Модерниот Александар (A Modern Alexander)
Andrés The Giant
#277164 Argentina Primera & Segunda SS'2015/16 Relink! (06/08/15)
Andrés The Giant
New and updated zip-file added with fixed issues mentioned above
#277052 Argentina Primera & Segunda SS'2015/16 Relink! (06/08/15)
Andrés The Giant
#277049 Argentina Primera & Segunda SS'2015/16 New! (03/08/15)
Andrés The Giant
#276602 Argentina Primera & Segunda SS'2015/16 New! (03/08/15)
Andrés The Giant
#276553 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Andrés The Giant
Club Atletico Belgrano, Argentina:
Banfield, Argentina:
Huracán, Argentina:
Platense, Argentina:
San Martín Tucuman, Argentina
#276392 Good and Challenging BPL Teams?
Andrés The Giant
I agree with that guy!
#276333 Feeder clubs question
Andrés The Giant
#276183 Feeder clubs question
Andrés The Giant
I'm currently in my third season as manager for River Plate in Argentina. I've tried to set up a feeder-club link with at team in Europe for quite some time now. The past 4-5 times I've asked the chairman for an affiliation-link up, he's granted me the courtesy of choosing the club I want to form an affiliation with, but it doesn't matter who I choose, the board verdict is always the same; the can't manage to set up a proper link with the club of my choosing. I get the same answer if I leave it up to the board to decide.
Any thoughts on how I can fix this? Pretty sure my club-rep is massive given that I've won the Copa Sudamericana, Copa Libertadores and World Club Cup since I took over. However, I still have the choice of asking the board for a parent-club setup... (?)
#276132 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Andrés The Giant
#275900 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Andrés The Giant
#274374 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Andrés The Giant
Looks like our little rant was all for nothing...
#274269 Firhill for Thrills: Glasgow's Great Unpredictables.
Andrés The Giant
#274190 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Andrés The Giant
Def. de Belgrano, Argentina:
Sportivo Belgrano, Argentina:
Guillermo Brown, Argentina:
#274100 Association de la Jeunesse Auxerroise
Andrés The Giant