toonfanmunky_17 - Comments

#417958 FM 2016 crash dump
11 years ago
6 days ago
Can someone help ,e with this crash dump? Not sure what has caused it.
#384695 Football's Coming Home
11 years ago
6 days ago
Football's Coming Home is a fantasy database I have created as an experiment to see what would happen if the UK was the center of the football world. So the setting is that the English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish leagues are now the center of attention as far as football goes. They are the worlds most popular leagues with the worlds most popular clubs. As you would imagine, this reputation attracts many lucrative tv deals, sponsorship contracts and wealthy investors. The staus of these leagues and clubs now attracts the very best players and staff with most players choosing to extend their careers in some sort of staff role. The rest of the world must now play catch up with the home of football. All players start as free agents with all uk clubs having plenty of budget build their squads with rich sugar daddys pumping funds into the clubs.
These leagues and competitions will now be the most popular, most competitive and richest leagues in the world. Can you take a UK team and stand out from the rest? Or will you take on the challenge of rising from obscurity in another country and see if you can raise their profile?
#267139 .fmf editor files not showing in game?
11 years ago
6 days ago
I have downloaded a number of data updates (new leagues, transfer updates etc) which are in .fmf format. I have put these in the following directory

users/(My username)/My Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2015/Editor Data

But they are not showing when I start a new game?! I have the latest update v15.3.2
#263554 Problem with youth generation in custom db
11 years ago
6 days ago
I have created a custom database where all the teams from around the world play in a World Club Football league structure. The problem I am having is when the foreign teams generate new youth players, they are generating with the correct nationality but they all have English names!! This takes away from the enjoyment of what is otherwise a very entertaining database to play. Here's how it is setup:

Basically I removed all the English leagues and replaced them top to bottom with the World Club Football structure I came up with. I then added teams from all around the world. I set each teams nation to England so they could play in these leagues but left their based nation set to whichever country that club is from. This had been working great until a little way into the game I stumbled on the fact tat every new youth player that came into the clubs had an English name! For example, a Japanese youngster called Steven Smith, a Ukrainian called Jody McDonald etc.

Can anyone advise me how to solve this issue?
#165740 Super League Challenge
11 years ago
6 days ago
Help and advice

I'm looking to setup a European Super League which replaces al the current domestic leagues in Europe.
The idea is to have a European Premier League featuring the top teams in Europe based on reputation (Barca, Real, Bayern, Man City Arsenal, Chelsea, etc) with lower tiers populated based on teams reputation.
Then probably 4 main cups - North European Championship, South European Championship, East European Championship and West European Championship. The winners of these will automatically qualify for the European Champions Title along with the top 2 of the league ( a sort of UEFA Champions League setup) There may be a few smaller domestic cups including the Great Britain Championship (open to teams from England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland)and other similar ones if possible.

I'd also like to include a European Youth Development Division with a EYDD Cup and possibly a European 'B' Team Division (or reserve division).

The idea is to do something similar for each continent with the top 3 from each competing for the World Champions Trophy (again a similar setup to the UEFA Champions league but taking the best teams from all over the world.)

This is something I really want to get off the ground but I'm still fairly new to the editor ad I'm not sure how to go about it or where to start. I anyone could point me in the right direction or advise me on how to implement these ideas I'd be extremely grateful. Any help will b duly credited on the final released database.
#164469 chairman and director of football
11 years ago
6 days ago
Interesting skacel. Thats kind of what im hoping for. Im intrigued to see the difference between working for a chairman who is driven pudely by making money with no passion for the club (like Ashley) and someonse who loves the club and wants to see it succeed. I think it will be interesting to have clubs greatest strikers coaching the next generation and passing on their passion for the club.

So iguess if i'm going to achieve this my question would be, what qualities/tendencies would i give each relevant individual. Obviously their loyalty and favourite club/people will be hugely important in getting the right chemistry and atmosphere at the club. Any suggestions?
#164468 Legends in the datbase?
11 years ago
6 days ago
Ok so i guess my next question is a call for help! I need to know which legends ARENT there in the game in any form. Any ideas for ones that could be added? Basic criteria is any players/managers still living who earned legend status at their clubs and which club they achieved it with. For non-player roles im not sure if you can put in a career history (eg club played for, appearances, goals etc) so that info may not be nessescary. Correct me if im wrong.

So any ideas, I given a few above but they may already be there?
Club (Club they are most famous for):
Role (if they have any experience in a role other than player):
#164247 backroom staff attributes
11 years ago
6 days ago
When it comes to non coaching backroom staff like managing directors and chairmen etc how do their attributes affect the game? Im thinking of bringing back Ginola, Asprilla, Lee, Shearer, Malcolm McDonald etc in some kind of staff roles at NUFC replacing the likes of Mike Ashley, Joe Kinnear etc but want to know how their attributes will affect the managing experience for me.
For example im thinking of doing a database where club legends return to their clubs in the present day to help coach and run their favourite teams. For example the class of 92 taking over at man utd. Beckham as chairman, Cantona as DOF, Neville, Scholes, Butt and Giggs as directors who influence how the club moves forward. Same thing with Arsenal(Bergkamp, Henry, Pires, Vieira) Liverpool (Fowler, Rush, Dalglish, Owen) Tottenham (Sheringham, Anderton, etc) and so on . . . . .
#164153 chairman and director of football
11 years ago
6 days ago
Also wondering of their relationship with each other and the manager has a bearing on hpw things work. If you had a chairman for man utd but his favourite club was man city for example. Or say you had something like just as an example beckham chairman of man u with scholes as dof and gary neville as manager? Would that work better as theyre all buddies at their favourite club?
#164152 chairman and director of football
11 years ago
6 days ago
I was just wondering how much impact these have on the game. For example: if you were managing newcastle, could you have a scenario where mike ashley sells your most valuable player but only gives a fraction of the profit to the club to spend and kinnear not buying anyone and just bringiing loans in?

Or say you had a chairman like abramovich, would he keep pumping money into the club for a dof who likes to splash out on marquee signings?

Just thought it could make for an interesting challenge!
#163072 Legends in the datbase?
11 years ago
6 days ago
I have not yet bought this version of FM but am considering it and wondered if anyone can tell me if ALL the legends of football are in there (particularly from the start of the 90's - to present). I'm talking the likes of Zidane, Shearer, Lineker, Klinsman, Figo, Cantona, Vialli, Bryan Robson, Seaman, Overmars, etc. I'm hoping to have them in the game not as players but as possible coaches and managers or in a DOF role. Perhaps even some of them as in real life in a media role? Is this possible?
#141418 rebuilding the english league system
11 years ago
6 days ago
Could anyone even just guide me through how to do this? I'd rather learn how to do it but cant find a tutorial anywhere for this. They are sll for adding leagues etc. Please can someone help?
#141417 looking for help with legends
11 years ago
6 days ago
Can anyone help with this or at least get me started?
#140872 rebuilding the english league system
11 years ago
6 days ago
Im fairly new to the editor and was wondering if anyone could help or give me advice. I am looking to rebuild the english league system from scratch but keeping the same format.. I don't want to make any major changes but would like to be able to fully customise it with thingsvlike prize money, rules etc. Could somebody help me with this project?
#140871 looking for help with legends
11 years ago
6 days ago
Looking to add football legends from the last 30 years to the game. All the legends databases on here seem to have them as youngsters. What I'm looking for is to have them in the game but as they are now (current age and status) with their playing history in tact. My plan is so that you could end up with gary lineker in charge of england or eric cantona returning to man utd as firector of football etc. Just to add a little bit more interest to the game. Imagine ac milan bringing back the greats like roberto baggio and paolo maldini and gianfranco zola to coach a new generation super team. Could any editors help me with this project? Perhaps modifying one of the legends databases already available? Thanks.
#140865 any database editors out there?
11 years ago
6 days ago
#137498 any database editors out there?
11 years ago
6 days ago
Hi I'm in the process of creating a fantasy database where the English premier league becomes the home of world football! The premier league has become the greatest league in the world attracting the best players, managers and staff. There are still some changes I need to make however but have been unable to find a way to do so easily! What I'm looking for firstly is to bring back all the great footballing legends like Cantona, Lineker, Gascoigne, Keegan etc as if they have come out of retirement to go into coaching roles, management etc. I guess I'm looking to have them in game as non players but with their history in tact. Secondly I have already increased the reputation of the English leagues and cups as well as the main teams, to maximum level. But I want english football to be the richest!! So how can I ensure that there is a huge amount of funds injected each season? I thought about altering the prize money etc but can't seem to find a way to change it? If anyone could help me out with these things so I could merge them into the database I have created I'd be really greatful! The first part is not essential as I think it might be a bigger task than I had originally thought. But if someone could help or show me how to accomplish the second part I'd be grateful.