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#646158 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Looking Panathinaikos FC Kits 2021-22. Does anyone made them already?
#644851 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Thanks! Not sure how I've missed that.
#644840 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Looking for FC Porto and Aston Villa FC kits for the upcoming season. Has anyone made them already?
#137768 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
It is OK to drop the long sleeves.
I would like to use my own crest
Sponsor is this one (in black) :
As an alternative, my dream come true would be this one without the kappa logos.
but, I think the design is almost "impossible", so I was looking for something simpler, so I thought of a slight different version of this design you made
with the Kappa logos dropped and the collar similar to the first kit (in black with the chors with the lighter shade). Really love the bottom of the jersey which would fit wonderfully with white shorts). Not sure if the sponsor would work better in white or in black with white border. I leave it to you.
Is it doable?
Thanks so much...
PS: I actually took a shot with my limited skills to do the first kit based on a Uhlsport template, but I dislike how to collar turned out (too short) and it just looks aweful with my limited GIMP skills