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#803919 Croatia - SuperSport HNL 3D'24/25 New! (02/12/24)
craig goodwin
#782635 3D Kits request thread
craig goodwin
there you go
#782382 3D Kits request thread
craig goodwin
use this config file instead the other one had wrong id number
#782381 3D Kits request thread
craig goodwin
try this just these into a folder then put into 3d folder for your game
#782232 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
craig goodwin
there you go
#782230 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
craig goodwin
depo 23/24
#778911 3D Kits 23-24 WIP Thread
craig goodwin
switzerland main league update or could someone point me in right direction thank you
#775306 Spain - LaLiga Hypermotion 3D'2023/24 Relink! (01/10/24)
craig goodwin
your con fig file is wrong mate it needs to be kits_textures instead of just kits but your work is very good
#772225 Trendyol Süper Lig - 3D - FM24 - New!!
craig goodwin
#772010 3D Kits request thread
craig goodwin
this one shows the shorts and socks to help thanks
#772009 3D Kits request thread
craig goodwin
could anyone please make the unam pumas third kit
#770325 3D Kits 23-24 WIP Thread
craig goodwin
will spanish 2nd div and lower divs be getting done or could somone point me in the direction to get them?? thanks in advance and great work by you all it really
does add to the gaming experiance
#763176 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
craig goodwin
absolute mint job on these kits, the tigre one is an anniversary kit though
#746535 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
craig goodwin
#744817 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
craig goodwin
@bolid74 and Laurent these are mint as usual but one question and this is to anyone who may know the answer. do you know where i can find the french championet 3d kit pack
#728676 Italy - Serie A, B, C & D SS'2022/23 Relink! (13/02/23)
craig goodwin
no worries great work
#728657 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
craig goodwin
nice one and thank you
#728645 Italy - Serie A, B, C & D SS'2022/23 Relink! (13/02/23)
craig goodwin
thank you very much these are brilliant, top notch !!!!! is there going to be a 3d version? i know there is a few about but pretty much a 3d version to mirror this pack thanks again
#728642 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
craig goodwin
just a quick question, but first let me say these are quality !!!!! are you going to do the 3d kitpack for all the teams in Uruguay or are you just doing certain teams ?? thanks again
#708209 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
craig goodwin
sorry ignore that follow this…. forums then ss kits forum then click on ss officail kits forum then hit search and enter austria and then scroll down for the 22/23 2d kitpack
#708207 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
craig goodwin
mate go to ss official forum and scroll down the the league 2d kitpack is on bottom of page but will have to wait for 3d pack
#705643 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
craig goodwin
No your right it doesn't help when people keep mentioning slowness, But i don't think it's meant to come across like that in a way where its aimed at you or other 3d kit pack makers, Some people are way too over eager to have them and don't understand the process you have to go through to make the kits and all the while realising you have your own lives to live as well, so all I can say is thank you to you and everyone else who makes content,
#705624 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
craig goodwin
i messaged him the other day and he is not doing the 3d kits for Brazilian leagues due to lack of help/personnel and also that people are taking his hard work for free then making money off it which is gutting for the ones who only use it for their own game experience but i don't blame him
#705389 3D Kits 22-23 WIP Thread
craig goodwin
hi all is anybody doing the Brazilian leagues in 3d
#704524 FC’12 Italy – Serie A 2022/23 [v3.5]
craig goodwin
hi could you please add inter_3 to the fmf file, ive got the kits but its not showing thanks in advance as ive tried to do fmf files but can not do it so i will leave it to the professional's thanks again
#701746 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
craig goodwin
thats the one i found then lost, thanks for that
#701742 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
craig goodwin
random question people, and i know this should be about 3d kit chat but yesterday i came across a thread or something in regards to fmf files for this season updated team colours for 22/23 season but cannot seem to find it now, could some one please point me in right direction thanks in advance
#699757 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
craig goodwin
thank you
#699748 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
craig goodwin
hi all , could someone please post a config file for dutch league 3d kits, i can collect the 3d kits myself but havnt got a clue when it comes down to config files thanks in advance
#698894 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
craig goodwin
yes just replace last season 2d kit with the new one and same with 3d version