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#335752 EU Referendum
King Luis
Thats bollocks and you know it. They had an independence referendum on the basis that they would remain in the UK & the EU, they unanimously voted to remain and now they're being told they have to leave the EU? Nah they deserve another referendum after we pulled the rug from beneath them.
#335680 EU Referendum
King Luis
#335678 EU Referendum
King Luis
#335673 EU Referendum
King Luis
#335671 EU Referendum
King Luis
Dan Hannan has also come out and said leaving wont change immigration, only taken a few hours and the two major campaign points have gone up in smoke.
#335656 EU Referendum
King Luis
#335646 EU Referendum
King Luis
#335644 EU Referendum
King Luis
I wouldn't mind the vote against the establishment if we hadn't only had a general election a bloody year ago.
#335641 EU Referendum
King Luis
Girl i work with who is voting leave because her parents are is going on a family holiday to New York in October, fucking good luck with spending money darling
#335639 EU Referendum
King Luis
#335637 EU Referendum
King Luis
#335635 EU Referendum
King Luis
The thing that really confuses those people is when you tell them the European Union was set up because we had 2 World Wars and was an attempt (and success) at stopping it happening again.
#335633 EU Referendum
King Luis
Had a look at the IVotedLeave hashtag on Twitter and so many bloody idiots were saying that shit.
#335456 EU Referendum
King Luis
#335446 Euro 2016 tournament thread
King Luis
#335439 EU Referendum
King Luis
I literally just saw someone on FB post this photo
Trouble with being from an Army background, growing up with other Army kids is that alot of them are either thick as shit or see us leaving the EU as making Britain better.
#335422 EU Referendum
King Luis
Its easy to say that and i hope your right but its not going to be a clear cut thing ultimately, just hope enough young voters come out because as it stands its looking like we will vote to leave, even if it is based on a lot of lies its only a lie if people seek out the truth and many people voting leave seem to just take what they read in the papers or in these leaflets as fact without actually finding out the truth.
#335420 EU Referendum
King Luis
It should be dominating the news because its the most important vote were likely to see in our lifetime.
#335418 EU Referendum
King Luis
#334960 Euro 2016 tournament thread
King Luis
Having knowledge of them doing it doesn't excuse it.
#334938 2016/17 Kit Thread
King Luis
Fuck sake, that was the nicest bit.
#334916 2016/17 Kit Thread
King Luis
#334911 Euro 2016 tournament thread
King Luis
#334727 Euro 2016 tournament thread
King Luis
#334725 Euro 2016 tournament thread
King Luis
#334709 Euro 2016 tournament thread
King Luis
Atleast thats over after about 30 seconds, you have to put up with people pretending they know what they're talking about for 105 odd minutes
#334657 Euro 2016 tournament thread
King Luis
#334573 Euro 2016 tournament thread
King Luis
Chat shit, Get banged
#334560 Euro 2016 tournament thread
King Luis
#334558 Euro 2016 tournament thread
King Luis