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#267354 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
For the kits could the colour style and designs be like this - http://imgur.com/aZzxfmR but with a Nike badge and the Samsung sponsorship a la Chelsea.
Much appreciated cheers!
#255940 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
#255488 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Here is the badge for usage -
And here is the kit with the colouring for reference -
Could I please get the sponsor as Philips - here is the PNG of the sponsor image in white - https://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/mirrored_images/QP4iSyQ6ueNYcGsySYNC6BUuJU43mX0lVLWb5T8b.png here is the blue version for the away kit - https://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/mirrored_images/rEXRl3gNrMvRJ2qNJkPXpusdXYaFXgXSfKbc14ws.jpg
If it's possible could i also get this badge on the left shoulder -
And this badge on the right shoulder -
As well as that could i also get this badge in the middle of the club badge and nike tick -
For the home:
Could I please have this Chelsea Home Kit style with the Paris FC Colours, the Nike tick in place of the Adidas sign and the custom badges with the White Philips sponsor.
For the away:
Could I please have this Chelsea Away Kit style with the nike tick and custom badges with the blue philips sponser