theonlycfrank - Comments

#675669 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
10 years ago
2 years ago

Would someone be able to edit the below logo style for my resurrection of Warwick County FC? It would be great for the top of the badge to be an overlapping “WC” rather than the VC in the original, with Villa swapped to Warwick and Clara to County, and for the word Expreso to be swapped for FORWARD.


#270606 New Nation Issues
10 years ago
2 years ago
Hi everyone, I set about making a database where Cornwall is independent. I got everything spot on, except for one major detail: the nation itself does not appear to exist in the game! I don't mean that I've failed to add nation rules and it's not playable, but simply that there is no way of accessing the nation screen for Cornwall, leading to no national team existing.
If anyone has any idea what's gone wrong there, then please let me know!