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#764938 Official FM24 Patch 24.2 Released
Mehmet F. Kenanoğlu
This is a terrible situation. I don't understand why they would make such a change!
#764936 Official FM24 Patch 24.2 Released
Mehmet F. Kenanoğlu
Do you think this situation can be fixed?
#764935 Official FM24 Patch 24.2 Released
Mehmet F. Kenanoğlu
Hello my friends. After the update released on November 30, my photo in the game was deleted. The "Add manager photo" button has been removed from the settings section. How can I add my own photo to the game? I don't understand why they make such an update!
#764930 After the update my Manager Photo is gone!
Mehmet F. Kenanoğlu
Hello friends! After the update released on November 30, my photo in the game was deleted. The "Add manager photo" button has been removed from the settings section. How can I add my own photo to the game? I don't understand why they make such an update!
#313592 FM2015 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.0 for FM15.3.0 [25/02/2015]
Mehmet F. Kenanoğlu