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#745684 FM2023 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v5.0 for FM23.5 [released on 09/05/2023]
Hello, I was just wondering if there was a current save fix for club abbreviations still being the old one? (par for napoli, cap for roma) The first post doesnt mention it and I'm not really sure how to search without getting 1,000 non-related topics. Maybe I'm using the wrong terms? All the other name changes were applied and it appears updated in my game except for the abbreviations and my 2330 folder doesn't look like the one in the pictures. (for example no city stadium names file in 2330 lnc). Using microsoft store version if that helps. Its not a big deal but after five years in game it is something I'd like to change if I can, even if it's on a small individual basis specifically for italian teams or cl teams I face. Thanks.