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#609447 Brazil - Serie A SS'2020 Relink! (29/12/20)
Wallinson Ramos
- New Botafogo kits (with sponsors)
- New Ceará and Coritiba alternative kits
- Most kits remade
#609287 SS' kits Template Thread
Wallinson Ramos
#608337 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Wallinson Ramos
#608167 Brazil - Serie A SS'2020 Relink! (29/12/20)
Wallinson Ramos
The Série B is now 17 out of 20. Many clubs have their own kit suppliers (to increase their share on shirt sales) and unique designs.
As a promo, here are the kits from Cruzeiro (Libertadores da América 76' and 97' champions) and Chapecoense (LaMia Flight 2933 victims and 2016 Copa Sudamericana champions):
#578660 Brazil - Serie A SS'2020 Relink! (29/12/20)
Wallinson Ramos
#578632 Brazil - Serie A SS'2020 Relink! (29/12/20)
Wallinson Ramos
- Atlético-MG 3
- Corinthians 3 (Casuals) - Remade
- RB Bragantino 4
- Bahia Special (support Sistema Único de Saúde)
- New Athletico Paranaense alternative kits
I tried to make improvements on the 'config' file to see if it solves the problem of kits in the game, but I don't know if it worked. Give me feedbacks!
#578184 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Wallinson Ramos
#578142 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Wallinson Ramos
The 3rd kit is on the way soon @Hajdučki sin. I'm just get the template
#577864 Brazil - Serie A SS'2020 Relink! (29/12/20)
Wallinson Ramos
A new upgraded pack coming soon, with new kits.
Série B work in progress. We made it about 7 out of 20 clubs. We hope to release next week.
#577837 SS' kits Template Thread
Wallinson Ramos
#573803 Brazil - Serie A SS'2020 Relink! (29/12/20)
Wallinson Ramos
#571297 SS' kits Template Thread
Wallinson Ramos
#568656 SS' kits Template Thread
Wallinson Ramos
#567917 SS' kits Template Thread
Wallinson Ramos
#567861 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Wallinson Ramos
This is my work in progress:
#567856 SS' kits Template Thread
Wallinson Ramos
#567682 SS' kits Template Thread
Wallinson Ramos
#567184 SS 20/21 WIP Thread
Wallinson Ramos
Okay, so you guys could assign me the Brazilian Serie A. I should take couple of weeks for a better work. Let's Rock!
#567167 SS' kits Template Thread
Wallinson Ramos
#567163 SS 20/21 WIP Thread
Wallinson Ramos
I'll leave some kits that I'm making and you tell me if I'm on the right way.
If so, you can put me in the Brazilian Serie A
#566639 SS' kits Template Thread
Wallinson Ramos
#566242 SS 20/21 WIP Thread
Wallinson Ramos
#564046 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Wallinson Ramos
#560981 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Wallinson Ramos
Cheers from Brazil
#560697 SS 20/21 WIP Thread
Wallinson Ramos