weeniehutjr Activity
The image you attached is really blurry/low resolution. We want the images in the Cutout Facepack to be of high quality, and preferably forward facing rather than side-profile or looking to the side.
Remove this part of the URL:https://www.losc.fr/sites/default/files/styles/3_4_medium_1x_270x360_mc/public/media/images/BENTALEB.pngto become:https://www.losc.fr/sites/default/files/media/images/BENTALEB.pngUnfortunately the image size is still a bit smal...
@mons This photo belongs to a different person with the same name. I haven't been able to find any publicly available photos for the Stephen O'Brien of this profile.
For some reason the image you downloaded had a black background, I've uploaded the transparent original
@mons These two images are of the incorrect Janina Müller. They belong to a football player of the same name (not in the database, I presume will be in FM25).There are a few physiotherapists in Germany with the same name, unfortunately I can't pinpoint wh...
Go to the image page on the getty website and click the image to zoom in for a much bigger size (2048px)
You can copy the instagram post link from the share option, and use a site like this one to download the photos
fyi @Ashikodi, here's how you can get larger image sizes from the Portuguese Football Federation's website:The image you uploaded had this URL, just remove the part at the end I highlighted in red:https://fpfimagehandler.fpf.pt/FPFImageHandler.ashx?type=P...
@mons the current MP cutout belongs to Rui Ferreira, I've moved the cutout to the correct timeline.
Great find 🙂 If you haven't already, you could contact @Footygamer to send him the files.
I've marked your premium status as active 👍
the SS Kits section here is for official, real life kits and not fantasy ones (perhaps that could be explained more clearly on that page).There's a thread for SS Fantasy kits here instead
@TripleA this image is Paulo Araújo. Additionally, the top of the head is cut off, which makes it not so useful for making a cutout from.
I've rejected your original source image, as I found a larger and more recent one on the player's fupa.net profile, which is often a good resource for finding pictures of lower league German players 🙂If you need any help finding pictures of more German p...
@aminezirar Who is the player in this image? It's evidently not Marco Buttigieg
@Ignacio Espinoza Osses Instead of taking a screenshot of the instagram page, use a site like this instagram photo downloader to get the original image. Taking a screenshot usually means that the image isn't at the original size.
@Weiry If you have multiple source images to upload in a short timeframe, please upload them all as a pack ("Upload Multiple") instead of individually. You're able to upload more images (50 in a pack vs 6 individually), and it makes it a lot easier for mo...
The Cutout Player Faces Megapack is a collaborative, community-sourced project - if you have a source image for this player you can submit it here using the “Upload Image button” 🙂
@Niels Van Cauwenberge As I've mentioned here, the cutout you submitted is really blurry which won't be an improvement. Please use your best judgement in the future - if a source is small, blurry, or out of focus, it doesn't make sense to cut it if the ex...
In those cases you can move the collar upwards using this technique:
@Niels Van Cauwenberge This cutout is horribly blurry, so it won't be an improvement over the current one. Please only use good quality source images for your cutouts in the future.
@mons the current MP cutout belongs to Martim Filipe. The one uploaded by andr3 is correct.
the current MP cutout is Nicholas Oyekunle, who you've already uploaded a cutout of 👍
I've marked your Premium as active now 👍
I've marked your Premium as active now 👍
Just FYI, if you have multiple images to upload in a short timeframe, please use the Upload Multiple/Upload Pack function - it makes it a lot easier for the Cutout Megapack's curator (mons) to collect the images, and you can also upload more images at onc...
Looking at the FM24 Database I think you're correct that they do appear to be duplicates (same birthdate and full name in the FM24 database), however the player's club Africa Foot actually has two players named Ibrahim Diarra in real life so there's a sma...
fyi @mons
Just to be clear, should this source be moved to Aleks Ristić's page?Additionally, if you upload a wrong image or notice a mistake in the megapack in the future, please tag @mons in your comment, as otherwise it's possible it can get missed unintentionall...
Which Rodrigo Herrera does this cutout belong to instead?If you notice a mistake in the future, please tag @mons so that your comment doesn't get accidentally missed 👍
@Michael Nordin Unfortunately the cutout you uploaded is quite pixellated - I found a better quality source 👍
First off, Leo Messi already has a UID in the game, so you're posting this in the wrong place entirely (this thread is only for posting completed cutouts for players/staff who AREN'T in the default database, such as Lamine Yamal before the release of FM24...
There's some snow on these cutouts as well: (fyi @mons so they aren't accidentally added to the megapack before he realises)https://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/submissions/show/3079065https://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/submissions/show/3079076https://sortitout...
@muserock2a Do you still have the source image for this cutout? It looks like remove.bg has removed part of his right ear because it was overexposed.
@chinoracing The same applies here as in my other comment - and you've also left too much space above the head. We want the player's face to fill the canvas for the 250px cutout, which would mean cropping the image along these red lines:
@chinoracing A cutout made from this source image is already in the Megapack.Additonally, your cutout includes way too much neck, and doesn't include a collar. We ask that all cutout images are cropped to a few pixels below the player's chin (like the cur...
@Matias_77 In this case, and perhaps also for the other players you submitted requests for, I found a larger source image on SoRareBase (image link). Larger source images mean that the final cutout will be of higher quality, especially compared to the sou...
It seems there was an issue with the cutout being uploaded twice in the latest Megapack (one with the filename “2000254793.png” and one with “2000254793 (1).png”). I'd recommend reporting the issue in this thread 👍
@Adasko612 The images you submitted here are far too small to be useable - to create a good quality 250px cutout, which most of the players in the pack already have, the person's face must be that size or larger in the source image. In your pack, the face...
@tv_capper Not criticising the quality of your cutout. but the source image (from Rennie's linkedin) looks a bit washed out and compressed - I've uploaded an edited version from the original photo that I've brightened and that's more saturated, and might...
They're just different styles, essentially. “SS” was the first major kit styles to come about, some years before the game had anything similar. Then “FC12” followed a few years afterwards. The “Standard” kitpack just looks to recreate the in-game licensed...
Puma 728 with the collar from 723
They changed the club colours for this season"The city side will be sporting a brand new kit in 2023-24 with the traditional blue colours ditched in favour of an orange and black home shirt with black shorts & socks.The away shirt for next season will...
I think that's because of the “Detail Level” in-game - to speed up processing time, by default most leagues except your own are set to “None” which means those matches don't use the Full Match Engine, but a “Quick” Match Engine and cannot be viewed. This...
Atlético B (Atlético Madrid's B team) are misspelled "AtlÚtico B" in the FM24 db
In your preferences search for “Match scheduling options”, do you have it set to “Saturday and Wednesday matches”?
I can't makle out what the second word says unfortunately (possibly ending in -sése?), but the rest is:“Région ???”“Courage et Humilité”
It's from an illustration by Sergio Salma from his book “Pays Noir” depicting a coal miner in front of the Bois du CazierYou can see the illustration it was taken from here: http://www.bdzoom.com/180540/lart-de/%C2%AB-pays-noir-%C2%BB-quand-sergio-salma-r...