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#457944 4-1-2-3
Egor Maximov
Hard to say, cause it was simulation. But after a month of senseless attempts of building any tactic, I believe that the whole problem is game engine. It defies logic. And there are a lot of complains on SI forum. So we should wait for a 19.2 update (better for 19.3 but it means early spring).
#457940 4-1-2-3
Egor Maximov
Checked on simulation with Gladbach. Fired after half-season (W5 D5 L6), 11th at the Bundesliga.
#409822 4-3-3 absolute domination (possession) tactic
Egor Maximov
Man, are you still going to share a file? YouTube video definitely is not enough
#191673 England - Barclays Premier League SS'14/15 Relink! (17/2/15)
Egor Maximov
#191555 England - Barclays Premier League SS'14/15 Relink! (17/2/15)
Egor Maximov
If it will not, what's the point to download kitpack which does not change kits at all?