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#261947 FM2015 Leagues Megapack - 75 new leagues for Football Manager 2015
Leon Lewis
Not sure if it's been mentioned but with the New Zealand league clubs in the top league never get rid of their manager. I have holidayed in for years and still no movement.
#260289 FM2015 Leagues Megapack - 75 new leagues for Football Manager 2015
Leon Lewis
#250423 FM2015 Leagues Megapack - 75 new leagues for Football Manager 2015
Leon Lewis
#248761 FM2015 Leagues Megapack - 75 new leagues for Football Manager 2015
Leon Lewis
#248676 FM2015 Leagues Megapack - 75 new leagues for Football Manager 2015
Leon Lewis
#248602 FM2015 Leagues Megapack - 75 new leagues for Football Manager 2015
Leon Lewis
#248529 FM2015 Leagues Megapack - 75 new leagues for Football Manager 2015
Leon Lewis
#248506 FM2015 Leagues Megapack - 75 new leagues for Football Manager 2015
Leon Lewis
#248494 FM2015 Leagues Megapack - 75 new leagues for Football Manager 2015
Leon Lewis
#248486 FM2015 Leagues Megapack - 75 new leagues for Football Manager 2015
Leon Lewis
When you load the editor now actually problem exists. All leagues have the correct amount of teams etc. It seems to happen when you try to load mutliple editor files.
Here is my issue - http://sortitoutsi.net/forums/topic/14881/african-files-crashing
#248482 African Files Crashing
Leon Lewis
#248481 FM2015 Leagues Megapack - 75 new leagues for Football Manager 2015
Leon Lewis
#246386 African Files Crashing
Leon Lewis
#246191 African Files Crashing
Leon Lewis
#246180 African Files Crashing
Leon Lewis
#246178 African Files Crashing
Leon Lewis
#246175 African Files Crashing
Leon Lewis
#246172 African Files Crashing
Leon Lewis
A group of us are trying to create all of the African nations and seem to be running into a bit of trouble. We created a "base file" where all the African competitions were added to the database and all used that to create our files. We'd "save as" and come back to use that file for all the new nations.
So far we have created: Nigeria, Cameroon, Ghana, Algeria, Burkina Faso, Seychelles, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Mali.
Our problem is that some of the files work together and some don't. I was wondering how this could happen, given that we've created all the files from the same base file?
It's important at this point to say that ALL the files work on their own without any problems and have been tested fully.
Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana and Zambia all work together.
When I add in Seychelles, I get this message:
When I add in Zimbabwe, I get something similar:
When I add in Mali, I get this message:
When I add in Algeria, I get this message:
I have looked in both the Mali and Algeria files and there is nothing wrong with the teams in the divisions. They are all correct with the correct amounts.
What gives?
As I say, all these files have been made with the same base file. Why are some crashing and others aren't?
If anyone can help, I'd be most grateful.