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#709829 Simon Walde
Disregard, didn't see the player was already completed, didn't show up when I searched for him.
#685683 Skip Repetition button and home button dissappeared in game
Just pushing this thread, I have the same issue, it occurs on the Standard skin as well as any other skin I've tried. The issue arose earlier today and only affects league games.
EDIT: I just saw that OP plays in the Bundesliga too, I went to a Bundesliga club too and that's when the issue started.
#361089 Full Maltese League file for FM17 - now updated for 17.3.0
#309110 [SKIN RELEASE] Vitrex16
I play in 1920x1080 Windowed with 95% text zoom.
#278263 Scorpio v2.1 for FM 2015
I have some trouble with the Team Depth Chart as of V2.0 (which persists in V2.1, but I only noticed it now). I can't click the dropdown menu to filter my players. It looks like this:
I usually play in 1920x1080 Windowed with 95% zoom, so I though that would cause the issue, but after going fullscreen and 100% text size, it's still the same. I also already re-installed the skin. I don't use any extra panels. Any idea what might cause the issue?
EDIT: Forgot to mention I use the small sidebar version. I'll try the full sidebar version later on and see if that works.
EDIT 2: Full sidebar version also has this issue.
#254481 [FM15] Disappearing columns on Tactics screen
Also, how do you explain that the column disappears when I substitute a player as in the screenshot provided? Confuses me a lot.
Thanks for your answer.
EDIT: I found an answer on the SI forums, but it's not very encouraging.
I find that very annoying that they can't get essential interfaces to work. Alas, I have to figure out a way to work around that somehow now.
#254467 [FM15] Disappearing columns on Tactics screen
I hope you can help me out with a really annoying problem I have. I created my own view for the Tactics screen to see stuff like Condition, Match Fitness, various Stats and positions at one glance and decide my line-up from there. It is supposed to look like this:
However, as soon as I change anything, whether it's a substitution, adding a filter, changing the screen and returning to the tactics screen or click on "Auto Size All Columns", the last column disappears. I can repeat that until only the first column (in this case "Role/Position/Duty" ) is left and fills the screen. Here, I substituted Schweinsteiger with Thiago and the Average Rating disappears:
From what I have gathered so far it seems this occurs independently form the skin, or the font size or if the game's in windowed mode or not. For the screens I used the Standard skin at 95% font size, windowed mode at 1920x1080 resolution. I usually use the Scorpio Skin, but I also tried out the Andromeda-Skin without the sidebar. I already verfied the integrity of the game cache via Steam, but the problem remains.
I also use the Player Overview Panel mod. Could that be the thing that causes the problem, or is it from the FM itself? I'm getting kind of desperate because while this seems like a minor inconvenience, it really lowers my enjoyment of the game.
I hope somebody can help me out here.
#241091 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
I. SC Goettingen 05 -> new logo because they changed the name, was RSV Goettingen 05
ID: 8708203
Thanks and keep up the good work.