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#740300 FM23 New Player/Staff Requests
Dr. Wiebke Schlusemann - Manager profile | Transfermarkt
Was in FM22 but not in FM23. Still at club.
#702471 Potential New Owner profiles
Has anyone created or are there any profiles of potential new owners, directors, etc.
For example Lewis Hamilton is interested in getting into Football ownership or other people that were putting in to buy Chelsea when they were for sale but missed out. I want to start a new save with a club that it's owner is currently looking to sell in real life and wanted to make it a bit more interesting.
#688105 Adding players/staff from old database to new database
Hi guys,
I was wanting to use one of my favorite Aussie players that has left Adelaide joined a club in Japan. Is it possible to get him from the earlier database and put him in the new one? And can I do it with staff. I do have the editor but just can not figure it out. Many thanks.
Stefan Mauk Updated Transfer - Football Manager 22.4 Data Update Changes (sortitoutsi.net)