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#277868 Graphics' suite FMSite 2.0
#267810 Graphics' suite FMSite 2.0
10 years ago
3 years ago


*** This update is included in the FMSite Logopack v3 (download in the first post of that thread), a new version of this logopack which includes more than 27.800 logos. If you don't have your logopack update-to-date you should install the complete pack better than this update to enjoy with all our logos.
#255365 Graphics' suite FMSite 2.0
#243781 Graphics' suite FMSite 2.0
10 years ago
3 years ago

Here are the updates of FMSite's graphics suite!!! For downloading them, you must entry into FMSite with those links

After that, you must click in "Descargar" (Download). That click will redirect you to MEGA, where you will be able to download the updates. Then open the updates with 7zip/WinRAR/The Unarchive. Next extract the folder Backgrounds/Player/Logos (if you were installing Faces, Logos or Stadiums) in the folder that you have those packs. When it asks you to rewrite, you must click in "Yes of all"

Enjoy them!!!
#239556 Graphics' suite FMSite 2.0
10 years ago
3 years ago

Are you tired(tiring) of your current graphs? You do not like it since your FM shine? Here there come FMSite's graphs, a suite of graphs that was leaving your game as newly!

In spite of only installing it, you'll feel that your game rejuvenates and desire were approaching you of playing the FM!!!

The suite of FMSite's graphs is in constant update, and it divides in 3 packaging:

Aspects: 179.900 players' images in order that you know at all time whom you are contracting.

Logos: 20.236 shields of clubs of the whole world, in order that you do not see the horrifying default logos that brings the game

Stadiums: 2.061 stadiums of the whole world to enter environment knowing where you play!

The installation is very simple, and it divides in these steps:

1. Click on Download.
2. Once in FMSite, click on "DESCARGAR"
3. Copy/paste all the Links.
4. Download the 9 parts from MEGA.
5. Install it.
6. Download all files that make full pack. This action can be performed with and Win.rar if your operating system is Windows or The Unarchiver if you use Mac.
7. When all the files are downloaded unzip Part 1 ("Facepack FMSite v2.part01.rar" in the destination folder. During the decompression the PC will be looking for the remaining parts.

You should follow the following routes:
Windows Vista / 7/8: My Documents / Sports Interactive / Football Manager 20XX / Graphics / Pictures / Players
Windows XP: My Documents / Sports Interactive / Football Manager 20XX / Graphics / Pictures / Players
Mac OS X: User / My Documents / Sports Interactive / Football Manager 20XX / Graphics / Pictures / Players

8. When all files are decompressed, a folder named Player will appear. This folder contain all the faces that form the complete pack. We move into our folder called Graphics> Pictures> Player. If these folders do not exist we create it with the same names as indicated above.
When you perform this procedure may ask you if you want to overwrite files, we always put yes. It is very important in this step be performed decompression in the order of output, especially if we are updating the pack with their updates.

IMPORTANT Always must stay a single folder called Player, inside should be housed the faces and other components of the pack (folder Alt, Extras folder, folder Small, config.xml)

(Note: These steps are simmilar to the installation of logos and stadiums too).

The updates of three packaging will be published as they are going out in the web, the Spanish-speaking forum of the FM. If some doubt arises on the above mentioned packaging you can raise it in this post or in the correspondent post of FMSite.

And we're searching collaborators, if you're interested pass for: http: //


Faces: Download
Logos: Download
Stadiums: Download

PD: I have seen more coherent, to the being of the same family the packaging, to put them in 1 alone post. If it is necessary to divide it in 3 posts, say it to me and I do it. Thank you

PD2: Sorry for my bad english xD