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#761176 3D Kits Template Thread for FM20/21/22/23 only
is there an adidas hooped version? trying to make the Lechia Gdansk strip
#666711 Adboard Patch removed from site
@rabcp, well said, as per the comments above your work has helped make the game we love feel even more realistic and only enhances the game further.
If I go out and buy a car and decide to change the badge on it or add my company logo onto it then surely that is my choice and I wouldn't expect to sign an agreement with Ford/Mercedes etc to say otherwise, so why do we pay for a game which we cannot customise it how we would like in the privacy of our own surroundings??
I can accept that the quality of the game has increased and SI have obviously had to employee more people etc so they need to generate revenue. But if that's the case charge us £5 more for the game, also without looking at the numbers I'm sure the sales figures have grown year on year with all the marketing etc the game now has (added cost) so surely their margins are healthy enough without the external revenue.
Hopefully mate you can upload your great work somewhere else as I think all of us on here were itching for the latest Rev from yourself.
Thanks again
#657591 Kits 3D RC Deportivo 2021-22
These are fantastic!!! thank you
#657323 Kits 3D RC Deportivo 2021-22
Amazing!!! does anyone have a link for the 2D kit for club profile page? struggling to find even last seasons to add