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#749882 FC'12 Download Area 2023/24
Awesome stuff. Thank you!
#749832 FC'12 Download Area 2023/24
Hi Guys, Great work! Will an FMF file with the updated kit colours for the editor come soon? I appreciate these things take time. Just seeking an ETA. Thanks.
#748563 Is there a new kit colours data file (FMF) for 23/24 season
Thank you, mate. I will keep an eye out for those. Appreciate the great work you guys do!
#748444 Is there a new kit colours data file (FMF) for 23/24 season
Hi, is there or will there be a data update file (for the editor) to include new kit colours for the 23/24 season? Thank you
#704016 FC'12 Download Area 2022/23
Legend. Really appreciate this. Can't wait for FM23. Thanks again.
#703880 FC'12 Download Area 2022/23
Unfortunately, there aren't any database kit colour change files for Scotland in the kit 22/23 file for the database, just PNG images for the kits. I noticed on other leagues like Premier League, Serie A, La Liga etc there was an FMF file for kit colour changes underneath each link. Would appreciate any other suggestions, if none, thanks for the help anyway.
#703864 FC'12 Download Area 2022/23
#703252 Squad Numbers not showing in game after latest data update
Downloaded the latest data update and made some minor changes (transfers) in the Editor and then started a new game, however, none of the squad numbers is showing. They are all listed correctly in the editor, but not showing in the game. Any ideas on a solution for this? Appreciate any help. Thanks
#702293 FC’12 England – Premier League 2022/23 [v1.5]
Thank you so much
#702264 FC’12 England – Premier League 2022/23 [v1.5]
Great work guys! Just a quick question? When will a data update show the 22/23 Kit colour changes for EPL/La Liga/Serie A etc? Thanks
#646793 Correct Kit Colours 21/22 Season Database Update
Thank you Day Tripper. Appreciate the reply. Will wait for @hammer9 to release the new update. Cheers
#646562 Correct Kit Colours 21/22 Season Database Update
Hi All
Does anyone know when the new and correct kit colours for 21/ 22 season will be included in the data update? It still has 20/21 kit colours on the latest update.
Thank you. Appreciate any help.
#624813 Error in Nation Rules - Premier League Professional Development League
Hi All,
When I go to test rules on editor 2021 it keeps appearing with this message?
'Error in Nation Rules - Premier League Professional Development League, number of teams in competition (24) doesn't match the expected number of team rankings (21)'
Any ideas on how to resolve this issue?
This has only started to happen since the latest editor update via steam.
Many thanks
#622985 Arsenal/Liverpool SS home kits not showing in the game after preseason
I have started a new game and as soon as I reach the start of the premier league season the home kits do not show for Liverpool, Arsenal and some others during matchday.
Please can someone assist with a solution to this problem? Thank you.
#560310 Correct Kit Colours 20/21 Update in Database