dearbearcat - Comments

#450646 How to add kit, logo and face packs to FM2018 Touch on iOS on iPad???
9 years ago
5 years ago
Yes, the other thing is some of the files would need changing, as some teams’ kits woul have changed since last year.

I almost wish there was an English leagues file, to keep the size down. That way you could just upload them with player pictures etc ...

I've made an edit for FMT 19 just now. But I'm not sure for working allright. (
I've not fully tested it. (I have no time today and more days.)
so if some error occurs, please try to make it right yourself. or I can take it later.
#446437 How to add kit, logo and face packs to FM2018 Touch on iOS on iPad???
9 years ago
5 years ago
Is it possible to get the club logos on FMT on iPad without a computer?


There is no way to handle it without a PC / Mac. Outside the FMT app, Apple's iOS sandbox technology prevents access to the app's internal space directly. In the FMT app, there’s no menu to move the files/folders to the required location.
#418335 How to add kit, logo and face packs to FM2018 Touch on iOS on iPad???
9 years ago
5 years ago
I've got updated 0.5 skins (from v18.3). TOP of this page
#415856 FM Touch 2018 - FMT2018 (for iOS) Graphics Applicable Patch v0.4 - (uses updated skins.)
9 years ago
5 years ago
I didn't understand where I can that graphics folder from?
What "other archive" are you talking about?

It can be found on this site or on various sites.
For each web page it will provide separate faces, logos, kits, stadiums, and trophies files.
You need to download each one and configure it as a file tree structure like the attached photo.
I introduce a useful "other archive" below. There may be better in others.
> faces
> logos
> kits
> pictures
> > stadiums
> > trophies
The performance of the FMtouch for the iPad is limited.
So it would be nice, quick, light to get FMmobile faces, logos at
#410742 How to add kit, logo and face packs to FM2018 Touch on iOS on iPad???
9 years ago
5 years ago
text-source(I wrote in Korean),
I found a solution.
I am not fluent in English. so I wrote it below from Korean to English with Google translation.
So I hope you understand that even if it sounds awkward.
If you are a Korean speaker, please guide it better.

--- FMT2018 (for iOS) Graphics Applicable Patch v0.3~0.5 ---
--- FMT2019 (for iOS) Graphics Applicable Patch v0.1 ---

Connect iPad Open FMT 2018 folder with iTunes file sharing function.
Copy the "graphics" folder from the other archive (overwrite).
Copy the revision FMT18 (OLD "skins" folder attached to this post (overwrite it).
OLD_SKIN_for_FMT18 v0.4 (from v18.2)(
NOW YOU'd BETTER to DOWNLOAD UPDATED_SKIN_for_FMT18 v0.5 (from v18.3)(
NOW YOU can DOWNLOAD UPDATED SKIN for FMT19 v0.1 (from v19.0)(

Run FMT 2018 and apply one of the five duplicate names, different authors:reloadGraphicsX in Preferences> Skins.
Turn off and start FMT 2018 again. It can be seen that it is applied after a long loading time.

When changing the graphics folder :
It is reloaded with the skin that was not used.
In other words, You must reapply the unused SKIN_AUTHORxSKIN_TYPE before reloading.
(There are a total of twelve opportunities for graphics change.)

If you have spent all of your skin folders, or something makes you dizzy :
Just, Remove app - Turn iPad off and on - Reapply after app install.

Forces the reload to the settings of the graphics folder and the pictures folder in the skin file.
When applying a skin file for the first time, it uses the fact that it reloads to the cache.

"graphics" folder looks like this:
or this (can be faster.)