John D. Hernández Rey - Comments

#547234 3D kits Technical Help Thread
John D. Hernández Rey
9 years ago
3 years ago
I tried them and SS but they seemed to work in match engine and squad page but not in the first screen or other parts. The ones designed for FM20 work fine.
#546770 3D kits Technical Help Thread
John D. Hernández Rey
9 years ago
3 years ago
Hi, sorry to ask this if it results obvious but I don't know much about this. Do FM19 3D match kits work in FM20?
#443405 Retro kits: Request
John D. Hernández Rey
9 years ago
3 years ago
I downloaded PhotoShop again (I did it years ago) and still can't use the templates, not even some universal paintable one which circulates on the web. I'd like some help since I can't use PS. I know most of you are busy but please. I am sure many others would like some retro uniforms too but they don't say it. Thanks and I hope I am not being a pest.

Edit: Now my pc can't run PS because of insuficient memory.
#442218 Retro kits: Request
John D. Hernández Rey
9 years ago
3 years ago
I think having some old seasons kits for new Football Manager editions like 2018 and 2019 would be of interest for some players.
For instance, I'd like to have 2016/2017 kits for Dortmund, 2014/2015 for Bayern and 2014 Qualifiers and World Cup kits for Colombia in FM18.
I'd appreciate if someone could create them. I guess some other players have some retro favorite kits they would like to have too. Please, consider this request.

You can find the images of the kits I'd like in FM18, as made for previous versions of FM here:

Thanks in advance.
#441813 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
John D. Hernández Rey
9 years ago
3 years ago
Hello, I'd like to ask a favor.

I am no good with Photoshop or any of those, I've tried and everything, many years ago. I played FM16 and now I have FM18. I would like to use 2016/2017 kits (and some mix) for Dortmund, Bayern and the kit Colombia used for World Cup 2014 because I don't like the new ones but FM18 doesn't show them and I guess is because of some changes I've noticed in the image files for kits: it seems like now the jerseys are on top of the template and not in the middle as in former ones.

I'd like to know if I am right and if so, I'd love if someone could made those three kits for me. I can use the other ones for the rest but please, this ones are special to me. Thanks in advance.

You can find the former images here:
#398735 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
John D. Hernández Rey
9 years ago
3 years ago
Hey, I'd like to ask you a favor. Could you please make this kit for BVB Dortmund? I'd appreciate it very much. Thanks in advance.
#398734 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
John D. Hernández Rey
9 years ago
3 years ago
Hi. I'd like to ask you a favor. Could you please make this kit for BVB Dortmund? I'd appreciate it very much. Thanks in advance.
#398639 Germany - Bundesliga SS'2017/18 Relink! (17/09/17)
John D. Hernández Rey
9 years ago
3 years ago
Could you create this kit, please? I dislike BVB 3rd kit and I found this one online. I'd like to have it, if you are so kind, of course.
#398638 Germany - Bundesliga 3D'2017/18 New! (22/09/17)
John D. Hernández Rey
9 years ago
3 years ago
Could you create this kit, please? I dislike BVB's 3rd kit and I found this online. I'd like to have it, if you are so kind, of course.
#262986 Colombia 3d Kits
John D. Hernández Rey
9 years ago
3 years ago
Yes, can someone add Deportivo Pasto? Chico is also missing.
Thanks in advance. Your work is great.