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#799354 FM24 2024 Summer Start date with Promoted Teams + Data Update.
Deano Barber
Isn't this a bit petty? Spiting those who want to play the game?
It is a saved game after all not a rework of someone elses databases…
#799257 FM24 2024 Summer Start date with Promoted Teams + Data Update.
Deano Barber
Where has the download gone?
#441202 England - Premier League, Championship, League 1&2, National, North & South SS'2018/19 Relink! (14/12/18)
Deano Barber
This is the issue, im only really interested in doing my own clubs. But when i do it removed the kits?
#441199 England - Premier League, Championship, League 1&2, National, North & South SS'2018/19 Relink! (14/12/18)
Deano Barber
Thank you
So there is no way to do it with a saved game?
#441195 England - Premier League, Championship, League 1&2, National, North & South SS'2018/19 Relink! (14/12/18)
Deano Barber
Thanks but there is no link?
When i change colour's in in game editor the kits revert back to the default generic kits?
EDIT: Its fm18 i'd need the SSKCC file for.
#441191 England - Premier League, Championship, League 1&2, National, North & South SS'2018/19 Relink! (14/12/18)
Deano Barber