NH10 - Comments

#718686 World Cup 3D'2022 Update! (5/12/22)
9 years ago
1 week ago

Can you make Japan kit all blue? Thank you and very appreciate what you have done (y)

#655423 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 3D'2021/22 Relink! (27/02/22)
9 years ago
1 week ago

My chelsea 2nd kit doesn't work well on FM 22? It shows white blank uniform on the pre-match. And show 2nd default kit on the match. 1st kit is working very well. Does anyone have the issue like me?


#412769 England - Premier League 3D'2017/18 New! (22/11/17)
9 years ago
1 week ago
its because u have to delete the cup kits in the editor and yes u have to start a new season
Like if u take man utd u will see there are kits for championsleague etc delete so u only have the default kits in the editor

can you guide me how to delete cup kits in the editor, i cant find it. thks