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#275698 Kaiserslautern road to greatness
Cameron Read
The 2016/17 season started and we started strongly in the transfer market, signing striker Barcellos Freda for £14 million and goalkeeper Rodrigues for £8.5 million as well as numerous investments in South American youth players. At the start of the season I knew it would be difficult for us to compete with the amount of games we would be playing in Europe. As the season progressed the injuries mounted up and it became harder to compete in the league. We progressed in Europe and got to the final which we won against Sevilla 3-1. Despite the injuries we secured another 6th place finish and secured European football again for Kaiserslautern.
#275666 Kaiserslautern road to greatness
Cameron Read
The return to the Bundesliga went better than expected as Kaiserslautern comfortably stayed in the German First Divison. After a quite transfer due to lack of funds, the only signing being players on loan we started strongly and were quite high up the table by January. But results started to slip and we started to move down the table and my un-changed team managed to achieve a brilliant 8th place finish