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#770372 Lucien Agoumé
Christian Vietri
there is a buy-back clause in favor of Inter Milan , but I don't know how to put it
#756146 problems starting the game
Christian Vietri
Hi everyone. here to ask you how to solve a problem. after loading the faces megapack on the editor data folder, I started the save and went on playing. when I relaunched fm the day after, the game doesn't start and freezes on the loading screen, so that every time I have to delete the folder and reinsert it, resulting in a longer loading time when changing the skin. I also tried lowering the resolution and size but nothing changes. how do I solve it?
#697184 League Updates FM22
Christian Vietri
hello , campobasso and teramo are no longer in italian serie c. They were excluded from the league. in their place sassari torres and fermana
https://www.transfermarkt.it/serie-c-girone-b/startseite/wettbewerb/IT3B here's the Proof. how can you update the leagues?
#695309 Alessandro Dal Canto
Christian Vietri
okay, thanks for the tip
#693946 Federico Gatti
Christian Vietri
not on loan
#693651 David Ospina
Christian Vietri
it's now a free agent
#691503 League Updates FM22
Christian Vietri
serie c and serie b in italy are not corrected. Palermo went up in Serie B. in serie c not Cosenza but crotone.