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#793682 Technical Support Thread for Standard Kits
Rikki Tikki Tavi
I just downloaded your megapack, loving it!
However, how do I get rid of that annoying 3rd kit? I don't have any other kit-packs installed.
Kind regards,
#793509 Do other editor data files work with this Data Update?
Rikki Tikki Tavi
On this topic I would like to ask if this database has created any players/staff? Then It won't work with another one I got lined up (messes up the player faces).
Kinds regards
#766160 Leagues Megapack 2024 more 200 Leagues in the world by qwert2 and arabFM.net
Rikki Tikki Tavi
Anyone knows about a league database for 3rd division in Holland and 4th and 5th in Germany?
#766032 Official FM24 Patch 24.2 Released
Rikki Tikki Tavi
Still haven't fixed the ability to put in real results into the game. This is useless. So Lazy SI.
#764256 Everton -10 points deduction
Rikki Tikki Tavi
Hmm doesn't work for me. Can't choose english league when ticke. I have other data updates, its thqt the reason perhaps? Conflict?
#726018 Help! Amateur team won't use my tactic.
Rikki Tikki Tavi
I cannot get my amateur team to use my first team tactic. Doing as all the guides and youtube videos are telling me, but won't work.
Is it because I'm RB Leipzig and had to ask board to create a II-team from scratch or is this a well know bug?
Thankful for help!
#711631 FM23 DeeBeeDark1.4
Rikki Tikki Tavi
Dont use this Skin!!
It does'nt show full Current abilty or potential ability!
#707513 Archie Gray
Rikki Tikki Tavi
Thanks alot for taking your time to help me. Works fine now.
#707297 Archie Gray
Rikki Tikki Tavi
Sorry for noobish question. But I've saved the image in the sortitoutsi-cut out folder, but it won't show up.
Do I have to edit the config file or anything?
Thankful for help.
#662174 FM22 Real Fixtures & Results 30 May (27 championships) Final Update
Rikki Tikki Tavi
The biggest problem is that the transfer windows is open all year. Nevermind the squad-numbers… 🙂
#659298 [FM22] Real Fixtures & Results
Rikki Tikki Tavi
Thanks alot for the update.
However, There doesnt seem to be Amy u-23 or u-18 Leagues going on in England due to the update. And like Alex said, your first team is registred for fa youth cup.
Just wanted to let u know.
Peace out!
Edit: also, the transfer Window doesnt work. Teams are signing players left and right.
#503430 FM 20: AML's Real Fixtures and Results + Custom Start Date
Rikki Tikki Tavi
#503171 FM20 Data Tweaks v6.1 [07/10/2020]
Rikki Tikki Tavi
Thank you for explaining, but wow, over 8000 changes... thats alot of clicks
Btw, are u putting out -8 on all players you create? I find it quite low for a player with Moukoko's potential, -9 at least imo.
#503130 FM20 Data Tweaks v6.1 [07/10/2020]
Rikki Tikki Tavi
But why would you remove bans and injuries? And how can it be fixed in the editor?
#476407 [FM19] Extra File to Sortitoutsi Live Update!
Rikki Tikki Tavi
#476405 Fm19 laptop
Rikki Tikki Tavi
Crashes 24/7