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#769492 Get player back from B-Team
unfortunetly i punished my player after getting a red card in a game.
I sent him to the b team cause I was really frustrated. The problem now is, that I can‘t get him back?
He is in some sort of a team of auditioners..
All I can do is offer him game time in my u21/u18.
Isn‘t it possible to get him back to the first team? Is this a bug?
Tried literally everything but nothing does work in order to bring him back..
thank you in advance 🙂
#719878 Ingame-Editor Online
I just wanted to have some fun online and play with the editor activated.
For me as the lobby host the editor just works perfect but my friend can't use the editor although the purchased it too..
Does anybody know if there is an option for fellow players to use the editor too? I already gave my friend rights (i dont even know what this does…)?
Thanks in advance. 🙂
#718823 ALL Issues with premium membership including cancelling- post here[read the opening post before posting]
Thank you for the quick response. 🙂
#718816 ALL Issues with premium membership including cancelling- post here[read the opening post before posting]
Hi I paid for premium membership just now but when i'm tyring to download files it just wants me to get premium again..
Can somebody please update my membership?
Thanks in advance..